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Photographer | Registered: Apr 16, 2017 07:42
For single Aussies all over FurAffinity! 
Whether it's love you're after, or if you just want to state both your martial status and country of origin/living simultaneously, we welcome any and all members! No "sign up" required!
Simply type either- : aussiesinglesicon : or : iconaussiesingles : without spaces between text and colon on your profile, journal, shoutbox, or where ever you'd like!
Looking for Love Quick Links!
► Straight Aussies!
► Bisexual Aussies!
► Homosexual Aussies!
► Lesbian Aussies!
► Transgender Aussies!
Do not, under any circumstance, use this group to...
- Bully, stalk or otherwise harass members.
- Advertise unrelated topics & issues. (Examples: commissions, artwork, donations, 'the earth is flat', etc.)
- Start drama of any sort. (Example: posting offensive comments in any of our Journals to berate the users posting in them for any reason.)
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8 years agoBeing mentioned here is only optional; not a requirement!!
Come see the Single Furs of Aussie!!
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