‘Round table’ on elections in Poland
Priority question for written answer P-000980/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Tobiasz Bocheński (ECR), Anna Zalewska (ECR)
Priority question for written answer P-000977/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Mélissa Camara (Verts/ALE)
Commission interference in the Polish presidential elections
Priority question for written answer P-000973/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Piotr Müller (ECR)
The withdrawal of the horizontal equal treatment directive from the Commission work programme
Priority question for written answer P-000962/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus (S&D)
The Commission’s strategy to end energy imports from Russia
Priority question for written answer P-000949/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Adam Bielan (ECR)
Priority question for written answer P-000941/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Malika Sorel (PfE), Pierre Pimpie (PfE), Roman Haider (PfE), André Rougé (PfE)
Priority question for written answer P-000919/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Martin Häusling (Verts/ALE)
Need for a realistic and flexible approach to emissions and mobility regulation in the EU
Question for written answer E-000932/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Diego Solier (ECR), Nora Junco García (ECR)
Urgent need for a web platform to track missing persons in crisis situations
Question for written answer E-000931/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Diego Solier (ECR), Nora Junco García (ECR)
Question for written answer E-000930/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Jan-Christoph Oetjen (Renew)
Parliamentary questions are questions addressed by Members of the European Parliament to other European Union Institutions and bodies. They are a direct form of parliamentary scrutiny of other EU institutions and bodies.
There are three categories of parliamentary question: