Showing posts with label hexml. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hexml. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2016

Fuzz testing Hexml with AFL

Summary: Hexml 0.1 could read past the end of the buffer for malformed documents. Fuzz testing detected that and I fixed it in Hexml 0.2.

I released Hexml, my fast DOM-based XML parser, and immediately Austin Seipp got suspicious. Here was a moderately large piece of C code, taking untrusted inputs, and poking around in the buffer with memcpy and memchr. He used American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) to fuzz test the Hexml C code, and came up with a number of issues, notably a buffer read overrun on the fragment:

<a b=:fallback

With a lot of help from Austin I setup AFL, fixed some issues with Hexml and with how AFL was being run, released Hexml 0.2 fixing these issues and incorporated AFL into my Travis CI builds.

If you want to actually follow all the steps on your computer, I recommend reading the original GitHub issue from Austin. Alternatively, checkout Hexml and run sh

Building and installing AFL

The first step was to build and install AFL from the tarball, including the LLVM pieces and libdislocator. The LLVM mode allows faster fuzzing, and the libdislocator library provides a library that makes all allocations next to a page boundary - ensuring that if there is a buffer read overrun it results in a segfault than AFL can detect.

An AFL test case

To run AFL you write a program that takes a filename as an argument and "processes" it. In my case that involves calling hexml_document_parse - the full version is online, but the salient bits are:

#include "hexml.c"
... other imports ...

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    ... read file from argv[0] ...
    document *doc = hexml_document_parse(contents, length);
    return 0;

Here I statically #include the hexml.c codebase and have a main function that calls __AFL_INIT (to make testing go faster), reads from the file, then parses/frees the document. If this code crashes, I want to know about it.

The original AFL driver code used __AFL_LOOP to speed things up further, but that results in a huge number of spurious failures, so I removed it.

Running AFL

To run AFL on my code requires compiling it with one AFL tool, then running it through another. The steps are:

AFL_HARDEN=1 afl-clang-fast -O2 -Icbits cbits/fuzz.c -o $PWD/hexml-fuzz
AFL_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/afl/ afl-fuzz -T hexml -x /usr/local/share/afl/dictionaries/xml.dict -i $PWD/xml -o $PWD/afl-results -- $PWD/hexml-fuzz @@

I compile with AFL_HARDEN to detect more bugs, producing hexml-fuzz. I run with libdislocator loaded so that my small buffer overrun turns into a fatal segfault. I give afl-fuzz a dictionary of common XML fragments and a few simple XML documents, then let it run over hexml-fuzz. The interactive UI shows bugs as they occur.

Fixing the bugs

Running AFL on Hexml 0.1 produced lots of bugs within a few seconds. Each bug produces an input file which I then ran through a debugger. While there were a few distinct bug locations, they all shared a common pattern. Hexml parses a NUL-terminated string, and in some cases I looked at a character that was potentially NUL and consumed it in the parsing. That might consume the final character, meaning that any further parsing was reading past the end of the string. I audited all such occurrences, fixed them, and reran AFL. Since then I have been unable to find an AFL bug despite lots of compute time.

Running on CI

I run all my code on Travis CI to ensure I don't introduce bugs, and to make accepting pull requests easier (I don't even need to build the code most of the time). Fortunately, running on Travis isn't too hard:

AFL_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/afl/ timeout 5m afl-fuzz -T hexml -x /usr/local/share/afl/dictionaries/xml.dict -i $PWD/xml -o $PWD/afl-results -- $PWD/hexml-fuzz @@ > /dev/null || true
cat afl-results/fuzzer_stats
grep "unique_crashes *: 0" afl-results/fuzzer_stats

I pipe the output of AFL to /dev/null since it's very long. I run for 5 minutes with timeout. After the timeout hits, I display the fuzzer_stats file and then grep for 0 crashes, failing if it isn't there.


Writing C code is hard, especially if it's performance orientated, and if it's not performance orientated you might want to consider a different language. Even if you don't want to use your code on untrusted input, sooner or later someone else will, and even tiny bugs can result in complete exploits. AFL does a remarkable job at detecting such issues and has made Hexml the better for it.

Monday, December 12, 2016

New XML Parser, Hexml

Summary: I've released a new Haskell library, Hexml, which is an incomplete-but-fast XML parser.

I've just released Hexml, a new C/Haskell library for DOM-style XML parsing that is fast, but incomplete. To unpack that a bit:

  • Hexml is an XML parser that you give a string representing an XML document, it parses that string, and returns either a parse error or a representation of that document. Once you have the document, you can get the child nodes/attributes, walk around the document, and extract the text.

  • Hexml is really a C library, which has been designed to be easy to wrap in Haskell, and then a Haskell wrapper on top. It should be easy to use Hexml directly from C if desired.

  • Hexml has been designed for speed. In the very limited benchmarks I've done it is typically just over 2x faster at parsing than Pugixml, where Pugixml is the gold standard for fast XML DOM parsers. In my uses it has turned XML parsing from a bottleneck to an irrelevance, so it works for me.

  • To gain that speed, Hexml cheats. Primarily it doesn't do entity expansion, so &amp; remains as &amp; in the output. It also doesn't handle CData sections (but that's because I'm lazy) and comment locations are not remembered. It also doesn't deal with most of the XML standard, ignoring the DOCTYPE stuff.

If you want a more robust version of Hexml then the Haskell pugixml binding on Hackage is a reasonable place to start, but be warned that it has memory issues, that can cause segfaults. It also requires C++ which makes use through GHCi more challenging.

Speed techniques

To make Hexml fast I first read the chapter on fast parsing with Pugixml, and stole all those techniques. After that, I introduced a number of my own.

  • I only work on UTF8, which for the bits of UTF8 I care about, is the same as ASCII - I don't need to do any character decoding.

  • Since I don't do entity expansion, all strings are available in the source document, so everything simply provides offsets into the input string. In the Haskell API I use constant-time bytestring slices into the source string to present a nice API.

  • The memory model for a document is an array of attributes, an array of nodes, and a root node from the list of nodes. To make sure that scanning a document is fast, each node describes their attributes and direct child nodes in terms of a start and length within the attribute and node arrays. For example, the root node might have attributes 1..5 in the attribute array, and direct children 4..19 in the node array. When scanning the child nodes there are no linked-list operations and everything is cache friendly.

  • To keep the memory compact for attributes, I just have an array and reallocate/copy as necessary. By always doubling the number of attributes on exhaustion I ensure a worst-case of 1-copy per attribute on average.

  • To keep the memory compact for nodes is a bit more complex, as the direct child nodes are not necessarily allocated consecutively, as child nodes may themselves have child nodes. The solution is to have an array of nodes, with contiguous allocation of used child nodes starting at the beginning. To ensure the child nodes are continguous I first put the nodes at the end of the array, then copy them after a child is complete -- in effect using the end of the array as a stack. By always doubling the number of nodes on exhaustion I ensure a worst-case of 2-copies per node on average.

  • When parsing the text in the body of a document, since I don't care about &, the only character that is of any interest is <. That allows me to process much of the document with the highly-optimised memchr.

  • I initially allocate a single buffer that contains the document, a small number of attributes and a small number of nodes, in a single call to malloc. If more attributes/nodes are required they allocate a fresh buffer and just ignore the initially provided one. That ensures that for small documents they don't pay for multiple malloc calls, at the cost of wasting the initial attribute/node allocation on larger documents (which are more memory heavy anyway - so it doesn't matter).

  • I'm pretty sure Hexml could be optimised further. Specifically, I have a recursive descent parser, and it should be a single function with goto. I also process some characters multiple times, mostly to ensure predictable abstraction barriers around the parsing functions, but that could be elimiated with a goto-based approach.

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Undefined Behaviour in C

Summary: I tripped over undefined behaviour in C. It's annoying.

I've recently been writing some C code to parse XML quickly. While working on that project, I inadvertently wrote some code which is undefined according to the C language standard. The code compiled and ran fine using Visual Studio, but under gcc (even at -O0) it corrupted memory, sometimes leading to a segfault, but usually just leading to a wrong answer. The code in question was (see full code at GitHub):

d->nodes.nodes[0].nodes = parse_content(d);

To give some context, d is a structure that contains various pieces of state - what the string to be parsed is, how much we have parsed, along with a pointer to the output nodes. The parse_content function parses the bit inside an XML tag, returning the indicies in nodes which it used.

The complication comes from nodes not being a fixed size, but dynamically resized if the number of nodes exceeds the capacity. For big documents that means parse_content will reallocate d->nodes.nodes.

According to the C spec, the compiler can evaluate the LHS and RHS of an assignment in any order. Since gcc computes the location of d->nodes.nodes[0] before calling parse_content it uses the address of the node before reallocation. After reallocation the address will have changed, and the assignment will be made to the wrong location.

I spotted the bug by inserting printf statements, and in doing so, I had to rewrite the code to:

str content = parse_content(d);
d->nodes.nodes[0].nodes = content;

That fixes the issue, since now the evaluation order is strictly defined. As a simplified example of the same issue:

char* array;

char f() {
    array = malloc(42);
    return 'x';    

void test() {
    array = malloc(0);
    array[0] = f();

Here the line array[0] = f() might assign to either the result of malloc(0) or malloc(42), at the compilers discretion.

I manually checked if I had made any other such mistakes, and I couldn't find any. Naturally, I wanted to find a static checker that could detect such a mistake, so I tried a bunch of them. I wasn't very successful:

  • Visual Studio 2015 code analysis made me write assert after each malloc, but nothing further.
  • PVS Studio found nothing.
  • Clang undefined behaviour found nothing, and seemingly doesn't work on Windows.
  • GCC undefined behaviour found nothing, and seemingly doesn't work on Windows.
  • RV-Match hit a stack-overflow when running the program.