Showing posts with label orm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orm. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Home...

... for this blog (sort of) and my common Java libraries.

Some months ago I bought the domain and started a new incarnation of my common Java libraries, now called derquinse-commons, hosted on Google Code, and based on Google's guava-libraries.

But is hasn't been until recently that I have configured this blog to use the new domain, and performed the first releases (in plural, as the different subprojects are now released independently), which may be found in the Maven Repository (that, as of now, will not be synchronized with Central as there are dependencies that are not part of it). Right now, I've released:

Besides some common POMs. The collections module will be next, with Hierarchy and friends.

Stay tuned.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

New packaging in Hibernate 3.3

As the new packaging in version 3.3 of Hibernate changes a bit the dependencies game, I post this pointer just for reference...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

API-based queries

I'm a big fan of API-based queries. Even though I really appreciate query languages (e.g. SQL), the impedance mismatch of using them inside your favorite programming language is too high, even more when you're dealing with dynamically generated queries. So much string manipulation is really error-prone.

So I really like approaches such as Lucene's or Hibernate Criteria API. However, API-based approaches are normally low-priority (above all when dealing with SQL), so standards like JPA doesn't even have such an API and in Hibernate it is far more limiting than HQL, and issues like this are real showstoppers.

Update: typo