Help making a Goldberg polyhedron with equal-area hexagons?

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Mitchell Bandes

Aug 2, 2024, 4:56:52 PM8/2/24
to antiprism
I am trying to generate a Goldberg polyhedron of 30-40 frequency, but I want all of the hexagons to be of equal area. But whenever I've tried to make such a polyhedron in Blender or Antiprism, I always run into the same problem; the hexagons neighboring the pentagons are always significantly smaller than the hexagons the furthest distance away from the pentagons (often, they're about half the size of the far hexagons!)

For my purposes, it's much more important to preserve consistency in area than to preserve consistency in edge length. If the pentagon edges need to be longer than the edges furthest away from the pentagons, so be it.

I don't necessarily need a polyhedron derived from an icosahedron, but I have noticed that the fewer vertices the starting shape has, the greater the distortion in the final product. Of course if I could get an octahedral Goldberg polyhedron with minimal distortion, that would be the most ideal situation.

Any help would be appreciated.

Adrian Rossiter

Aug 2, 2024, 9:27:56 PM8/2/24
to antiprism
Hi Mitchell

On Fri, 2 Aug 2024, Mitchell Bandes wrote:
> I am trying to generate a Goldberg polyhedron of 30-40 frequency, but I
> want all of the hexagons to be of equal area. But whenever I've tried to
> make such a polyhedron in Blender or Antiprism, I always run into the same
> problem; the hexagons neighboring the pentagons are always significantly
> smaller than the hexagons the furthest distance away from the pentagons
> (often, they're about half the size of the far hexagons!)
> For my purposes, it's much more important to preserve consistency in area
> than to preserve consistency in edge length. If the pentagon edges need to
> be longer than the edges furthest away from the pentagons, so be it.

This is a basic F30 icosahedral geodesic sphere dual

antiview geo_30_d

I made a list of the face areas and sorted them (using unix utilities)

off_query FA geo_30_d | sed 's/.*,//' | sort | less

This key areas are

pentagons : 0.001236192105...
smallest hexagons : 0.001304551501...
largest hexagons : 0.001444701601...

In this model the hexagons are fairly ugly near the pentagons [images
attached near 5-way and 3-way axes].

Perhaps you were using the dual of a canonical model. It produces better
shaped hexagons, but has a variation in area similar to what you are seeing
(pent: 0.00031238476, small hex: 0.0006066296, large hex: 0.0015526128).

Adrian Rossiter -
Screenshot from 2024-08-03 05-33-21.png
Screenshot from 2024-08-03 05-33-54.png

Mitchell Bandes

Aug 3, 2024, 3:14:51 AM8/3/24
to antiprism
Wow! I didn't expect such a helpful answer so quickly! Thank you very much!

Mitchell Bandes

Aug 3, 2024, 4:34:53 AM8/3/24
to antiprism
Hi Adrian,

Sorry for my lack of posting etiquette; I'm accustomed to posting in social media, and didn't realize that Google Groups uses email etiquette instead. Thank you again for your help so far; the polyhedron you showed me is precisely what I was looking for. Now all I need to do is import it into Blender. Could you point me to the command which lets me export the polyhedron as a mesh file?

Thank you,

On Friday, August 2, 2024 at 11:27:56 PM UTC-5 wrote:

Adrian Rossiter

Aug 3, 2024, 4:53:50 AM8/3/24
to antiprism
Hi Mitchell

On Sat, 3 Aug 2024, Mitchell Bandes wrote:
> Sorry for my lack of posting etiquette; I'm accustomed to posting in social

I didn't even notice! We are a very relaxed group.

> precisely what I was looking for. Now all I need to do is import it into
> Blender. Could you point me to the command which lets me export the
> polyhedron as a mesh file?

Look at

You could use off2dae, as the output is intended to be suitble for import
into blender

Exclude vertex and edge elements like this

off2dae -x ve geo_30_d > geo_30_d.dae

If you want original polygons (not split into triangles), then

off2dae -x ve -t no_tri geo_30_d > geo_30_d.dae

Mitchell Bandes

Aug 3, 2024, 6:29:13 AM8/3/24
to antiprism
Thank you for all your help; that was everything I needed.

Arturo G. Espindola

Aug 4, 2024, 1:39:27 PM8/4/24
Have you try acidome?

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