Hi Mitchell
On Fri, 2 Aug 2024, Mitchell Bandes wrote:
> I am trying to generate a Goldberg polyhedron of 30-40 frequency, but I
> want all of the hexagons to be of equal area. But whenever I've tried to
> make such a polyhedron in Blender or Antiprism, I always run into the same
> problem; the hexagons neighboring the pentagons are always significantly
> smaller than the hexagons the furthest distance away from the pentagons
> (often, they're about half the size of the far hexagons!)
> For my purposes, it's much more important to preserve consistency in area
> than to preserve consistency in edge length. If the pentagon edges need to
> be longer than the edges furthest away from the pentagons, so be it.
This is a basic F30 icosahedral geodesic sphere dual
antiview geo_30_d
I made a list of the face areas and sorted them (using unix utilities)
off_query FA geo_30_d | sed 's/.*,//' | sort | less
This key areas are
pentagons : 0.001236192105...
smallest hexagons : 0.001304551501...
largest hexagons : 0.001444701601...
In this model the hexagons are fairly ugly near the pentagons [images
attached near 5-way and 3-way axes].
Perhaps you were using the dual of a canonical model. It produces better
shaped hexagons, but has a variation in area similar to what you are seeing
(pent: 0.00031238476, small hex: 0.0006066296, large hex: 0.0015526128).
Adrian Rossiter -