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Document 02008D0381-20140101
Council Decision of 14 May 2008 establishing a European Migration Network (2008/381/EC)
Consolidated text: Council Decision of 14 May 2008 establishing a European Migration Network (2008/381/EC)
Council Decision of 14 May 2008 establishing a European Migration Network (2008/381/EC)
02008D0381 — EN — 01.01.2014 — 001.002
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COUNCIL DECISION of 14 May 2008 establishing a European Migration Network (OJ L 131 21.5.2008, p. 7) |
Amended by:
Official Journal |
No |
page |
date |
L 150 |
168 |
20.5.2014 |
of 14 May 2008
establishing a European Migration Network
Article 1
Subject matter and scope
Article 2
To achieve the objective referred to in Article 1, the EMN shall:
collect and exchange up-to-date and reliable data and information from a wide range of sources;
undertake analysis of the data and information referred to in point (a) and provide it in a readily accessible format;
in collaboration with other relevant EU bodies, contribute to the development of indicators and criteria that will improve the consistency of information and help in the development of Community activities related to migratory statistics;
produce and publish periodic reports on the migration and asylum situation in the Community and the Member States;
create and maintain an Internet-based information exchange system which provides access to relevant documents and publications in the area of migration and asylum;
raise awareness of the EMN, by providing access to the information it gathers and disseminating the output of the EMN, unless this information is of a confidential nature;
coordinate information and cooperate with other relevant European and international bodies.
Article 3
The EMN shall be composed of:
Article 4
Steering Board
The Steering Board shall in particular:
prepare and approve the draft work programme of activities, notably with regard to the objectives, thematic priorities and indicative amounts of the budget for each National Contact Point to ensure the proper functioning of the EMN, on the basis of a draft from the Chair;
review progress made by the EMN, making recommendations for necessary actions when required;
provide a succinct status report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions concerning the ongoing activities of the EMN and the key findings of its studies, at least once a year;
identify the most appropriate strategic cooperative relationships with other entities competent in the area of migration and asylum and approve, when necessary, the administrative arrangements for such cooperation, as referred to in Article 10;
advise the National Contact Points on how to improve their operations, and help them to take the necessary actions, when identified persistent shortcomings in the work of a National Contact Point may have negative consequences on the work of the EMN.
Article 5
National Contact Points
The National Contact Points shall carry out the tasks of the EMN at national level and in particular:
provide national reports, including the reports referred to in Article 9;
contribute with national information to the information exchange system referred to in Article 8;
develop a capacity to issue ad-hoc requests and to respond quickly to such requests from other National Contact Points;
establish a national migration network, composed of a wide-range of organisations and individuals active in the area of migration and asylum and representing relevant stakeholders. Members of the national migration network may be requested to contribute to the activities of the EMN, in particular with regard to Articles 8 and 9.
Article 6
Under the supervision of the Commission the service provider shall, inter alia:
organise the day-to-day operation of the EMN;
establish and manage the information exchange system referred to in Article 8;
coordinate the input from the National Contact Points;
prepare the meetings referred to in Article 7;
prepare the compilations and syntheses of the reports and studies referred to in Article 9.
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Article 7
The purpose of the periodic meetings of the EMN shall be to:
enable the National Contact Points to exchange knowledge and experience, in particular as regards the operation of the EMN;
review progress in the work of the EMN, and in particular on the preparation of the reports and studies referred to in Article 9;
exchange information and views, in particular on the structure, organisation, content of and access to the available information mentioned in Article 8;
provide a platform for discussion of practical and legal problems encountered by the Member States in the area of migration and asylum, in particular discussion of the ad-hoc requests referred to in Article 5(5)(c);
consult with the National Contact Points in the development of the EMN's annual programme of activities referred to in Article 6(4).
Article 8
Information exchange system
Without prejudice to Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents ( 1 ), access to confidential information shall be restricted to EMN members only.
The information exchange system shall comprise at least the following elements:
access to Community and national legislation, case law and policy developments in the areas of migration and asylum;
a functionality for ad-hoc requests, as referred to in Article 5(5)(c);
a migration and asylum glossary and thesaurus;
direct access to all EMN's publications, including the reports and studies mentioned in Article 9, as well as a regular newsletter;
a directory of researchers and research institutions in the area of migration and asylum.
Article 9
Reports and studies
Article 10
Cooperation with other entities
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Article 13
No later than three years after the entry into force of this Decision, and every three years thereafter, the Commission shall present to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, a report, based on an external and independent evaluation, on the development of the EMN. The report shall be accompanied, if necessary, by proposals for amendments.
Article 14
Publication and date of application
This Decision shall apply from the date of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Article 15
This Decision is addressed to the Member States in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community.
( 1 ) OJ L 145, 31.5.2001, p. 43.