This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
The European Commission’s 2020 strategy aims to make the European Union (EU) Charter of Fundamental Rights a reality for all.
It calls for a renewed commitment to ensure that EU institutions and EU Member States apply the Charter to its full potential. It builds upon the 2010 strategy.
The Commission’s 2020 strategy focuses on four priorities.
Ensuring effective application of the Charter by the Member States
The Charter is binding on Member States when they implement EU law. The Commission will work closely with Member States and support them in implementing EU law effectively, and in fully respecting the Charter. Member States are asked to nominate a Charter focal point to facilitate coordination and information-sharing. From 2021, the Commission will report annually on the Charter, looking more closely at the application of the Charter in the Member States in specific areas governed by EU law.
Empowering civil society organisations, rights defenders and justice practitioners
Civil society organisations and rights defenders are vital for a healthy democracy and for making fundamental rights a reality in people's lives. They are facing increasing challenges.
The Commission will closely monitor and take action against national measures affecting the activities of civil society that are contrary to EU law. Some Member States still do not have fully functioning national human rights institutions, which are important links between government and civil society. Member States are asked to set up such institutions and to ensure that they have the means to work in full independence. The Commission will also promote Charter-related training for judges, other justice practitioners and rights defenders.
Fostering the use of the Charter as a compass for EU institutions
EU institutions must comply with the Charter in all their actions. The Commission will boost its internal capacity on Charter compliance including through e-learning, updated guidance for staff and training plans. The Commission stands ready to support the European Parliament and the Council to ensure that they apply the Charter effectively in their work.
Strengthening people’s awareness of their rights under the Charter
A 2019 Eurobarometer survey showed only 42% of respondents had heard of the Charter and no more than 12% really know what it is. However, 6 out of 10 respondents wanted to learn more about their rights and to find out whom to contact if the Charter is violated.
The Commission is tackling the awareness gap by:
It asks Member States to develop initiatives to promote awareness and empower local bodies and individuals concerned.
Future action
The Commission will:
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions — Strategy to strengthen the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU (COM(2020) 711 final, 2.12.2020).
Communication from the Commission: Strategy for the effective implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights by the European Union (COM(2010) 573 final,19.10.2010).
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (OJ C 202, 7.6.2016, pp. 389–405).
Council Regulation (EC) No 168/2007 of 15 February 2007 establishing a European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (OJ L 53, 22.2.2007, pp. 1–14).
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions — EU strategy on the rights of the child (COM(2021) 142 final, 24.3.2021).
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions — On the European democracy action plan (COM(2020) 790 final, 3.12.2020).
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions — 2020 Rule of Law Report — The rule of law situation in the European Union (COM(2020) 580 final, 30.9.2020).
Commission Staff Working Paper: Operational Guidance on taking account of Fundamental Rights in Commission Impact Assessments (SEC(2011) 567 final, 6.5.2011).
last update 09.12.2021