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This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website

European Consumer Consultative Group

The European Consumer Consultative Group can be consulted by the Commission on any problem associated with protecting the interests of consumers in the European Union (EU). Comprising one member representing the National consumer organisation of each Member State and one member from each European consumer organisation, it replaces the Consumers' Committee.


Commission Decision 2003/709/EC of 9 October 2003 setting up a European Consumer Consultative Group.


The European Consumer Consultative Group represents European Union consumers (including those of the accession countries once they have joined the EU). The Commission can seek its opinion on problems affecting consumers at Community level.


It comprises:

  • one member representing the National consumer organisation of each Member State and
  • one member from each European consumer organisation.

One of the innovative elements of this Decision compared to previous ones is that it harmonises the definition of European consumer organisations with those in other legal acts (see Article 2).

This Decision also makes it possible for the Group to officially involve other organisations which promote consumer interests and experts in its work.


The members of the Group have a three-year mandate. The new Decision introduces a limit for the renewal of the mandate of members representing the national organisations to only one renewal (previously, there was no limit).


The European Consumer Consultative Group normally meets four times a year. The Commission consults it whenever necessary, often by 'written procedure', sometimes via working parties. It plays a vital role in the exchange of information between the Commission and the consumer organisations on the ground. The Commission chairs and organises its work and provides secretarial support.

Each year, the Group presents an activity report at the assembly of consumer organisations organised annually by the Commission.


Decision 2003/709/EC repealed Commission Decision 2000/323/EC of 4 May 2000, mainly in order to harmonise the definition of consumer organisations, bearing in mind that the number of members of the Group will be increasing from 2004 with the accession to the EU of ten new Member States.

The repealed Decision 2000/323/EC had permitted an increase in the number of members by removing the limit of 20. The previous Decision had provided for the participation of a member from each European consumer organisation (5 at the time) plus one representative from each Member State (15 representatives).



Entry into force

Deadline for transposition in the Member States

Official Journal

Decision 2003/709/EC



OJ L 258 of 10.10.2003


New composition of the European Consumer Consultative Group [Official Journal C 150 of 05.06.2004]

Decision No 20/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 December 2003 establishing a general framework for financing Community actions in support of consumer policy for the years 2004 to 2007 [Official Journal L 51 of 09.01.2004].

See also

More information on the Consultative Group is available on the Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General's website.

Last updated: 26.05.2005
