This document is an excerpt from the EUR-Lex website
Agricultural commodities, dependence and poverty
The Commission has drawn up an action plan to help developing countries dependent on commodities such as coffee, sugar, cotton and cocoa, and the producers of those commodities. It sets two overall objectives: raising the earnings of producers of traditional and other commodities and reducing the vulnerability of earnings at both producer and macroeconomic levels.
Communication of 12 February 2004 from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Agricultural commodity chains, dependence and poverty - a proposal for an EU Action Plan [COM(2004) 89 final - Not published in the Official Journal].
The Communication establishes policy priorities for addressing the six main challenges facing commodity dependent developing countries (CDDCs):
The Communication focuses on agricultural (not mineral) commodities traded and marketed internationally, since these products are directly linked to poverty.
It does not cover timber as the Commission has already drawn up a strategy and provided a specific budget line for this product. The Commission has also implemented an action plan to combat illegal logging.
Treating commodity chains and dependence as priority issues in combating poverty
Commodity chains have a major impact on the poorest sections of the population and should be treated as a priority in development strategies and combating poverty.
To this end, the Commission proposes:
Remedying the long-term decline in prices
As demand for commodities has been outstripped by the increase in supply on the world market, there has been a long-term decline in commodity prices.
To address this problem, the Commission proposes:
Managing commodity risks and providing access to financing
There is high price volatility on the agricultural commodities markets, and this creates uncertainty and affects the willingness and capacity of farmers to invest.
To address this phenomenon the Commission proposes:
Support for diversification
Expanding the markets for both inputs and output products would reduce investment risks.
To achieve this the Commission proposes:
Promoting integration in the international trading system
International trade rules are important for the CDDCs and commodity producers. Rules on domestic support, export competition and market access all shape commodity producers' opportunities, as do measures and standards and other technical regulations.
The Commission therefore proposes:
Encouraging the use of viable business and investment practices in the CDDCs.
The international commodity companies and retailers play a central role in framing the future of the commodity sectors since local entrepreneurs are often unable to compete effectively with these large consolidated corporations whilst remaining independent. Their dependence on the corporate policies of multinational enterprises means that they need to improve their social and environmental practice.
The Commission therefore proposes:
The prices of some important agricultural commodities (for example, sugar, cotton, coffee and cocoa) fell by 30 to 60% between 1970 and 2000. This has led to macroeconomic imbalances in the developing countries concerned, reducing export earnings, debt repayment capacity, imports, credit availability, government revenue and the provision of basic services (health care and education).
There are about fifty highly commodity dependent developing countries (with export revenues based on a maximum of three commodities). They are located mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa, but also in the Caribbean and Central America. They are mainly least developed countries (LDCs), landlocked countries or islands.
Many of these countries are caught in a trap of declining income and investment, stagnating competitiveness, endemic poverty and dependence. A lack of resources means that their commodities sectors are finding it ever harder to take on international competition, handle change and deal with the situation facing them.
Commission communication of 12 February 2004 to the Council and Parliament: Proposal for an EU-Africa partnership in support of cotton-sector development [COM(2004) 87 final - Not published in the Official Journal].
Concerned about the crisis in the cotton sector in African ACP countries - as highlighted at the WTO ministerial conference in Cancún - the Commission proposes, as part of its action plan for agricultural commodities, a partnership in the cotton sector centred on two series of measures. The first set of measures is designed to achieve more equitable commercial conditions on international cotton markets by giving priority to market access, the reduction of internal support, support for exports and trade-related technical assistance. The second concerns support for African regions and countries producing cotton, and comprise measures intended to consolidate the competitiveness of the African cotton sector, help the regions dependent on this product to diversify, and mitigate the effects of price volatility. The Commission stresses the importance of dialogue with the African countries concerned and identifies the financial instruments that can be used to support this partnership.
Last updated: 30.05.2007