I look forward to it :)
Recent community posts
I think it's better to change it and have all posts wiped now than when there are more. Also im not sure about the selling loot on the floor situation. Maybe if you go to a certain building you can sell the rights to any floor that has been completely wiped of any monsters and they will give you money for all the items on the floor. And as for the defenseless sheep i think i can live with that :P
Really pleased by many of the new changes. My first complaint is that items have value and you can sell them. Going around the dungeon and picking up every thing to sell is just not fun gameplay. Tales of majeyal fixes this by putting every item you pick up into this chest, and at the end of the level everything inside the chest is just turned into money, so all the items you dont want you can just ignore and they will give you money. Dungeon crawl stone soup instead just doesnt let you sell things. It wouldn't be as much of a problem either if your inventory was unlimited. And there was a quick way to sell everything you didnt want in a shop. These aren't the only ways to do it but they should work well.
Also to test it out i murdered one of the villagers at the start and he dropped items and there didnt seem to be any repercussion, i think you should either be attacked if you try this or it should not give any benefit.
Since the logs are small i'll post them here
09/06/2017 05:13:38 ------------------ ERROR ------------------
09/06/2017 05:13:38 System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at Dungeonlike.AttackMenuAttack.SendAttackToTargeting() in C:\Users\Marek\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\TestGame\TestGame\System\GameWindows\AttackMenuAttack.cs:line 72
at Dungeonlike.AttackMenuInput.Listen(InputState& inputState) in C:\Users\Marek\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\TestGame\TestGame\System\Input\AttackMenuInput.cs:line 46
at Dungeonlike.Input.Listen() in C:\Users\Marek\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\TestGame\TestGame\System\Input\System\Input.cs:line 172
at Dungeonlike.MainGame.Update(GameTime gameTime) in C:\Users\Marek\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\TestGame\TestGame\System\Main\MainGame.cs:line 199
I'm happy to hear about the classes, but also a customization option, good idea will let the starts of runs be more unique and also lets players tune to their skill/playstyle, a noob who dies early on can buy a load of health potions to help survive for example, also it would be nice if the amount of currency you start with can be increased for an easier difficulty (or reduced for a harder difficulty) if people feel like it. ,As for graphics yeah they aren't a worry, just something thats a problem when there is also a clunky ui and stuff, which hopefully wont be there for long. As for the random name generator i'm sure there's one online you could copy paste or something. Oh and asking for tutorial every time is annoying.
I played some more to see if i could find any useful information for you and the game crashed when i pressed e to eat. yeah i know e is the wrong key but anyway it crashed the game.
Also remember, playing roguelikes is a good way to know how to make this one better, play some and think, what makes this fun. And what could make mine more fun. (and you should steal loads of stuff from them lol). One of the problems i have with basically every roguelike i play, (don't know if this is just me or it's a common problem) is that once i've played a decent amount i just start not enjoying the early parts of the game. I've done it all again and again and i feel so weak and it's not enjoyable. So if possible ways to make the early parts of the game fun and not repetitive should be top priority, as it's the part of the game the vast majority of time will be spent on while playing.
PS. not really a problem but the name dungeonlike, not the most interesting, and doesn't really stand out next to all the other roguelikes coming out.
Okay i'll play the game again and try to remember some of these problems
So the main problem i have currently is the controls, when mouse controls are implemented this should be somewhat fixed but until then it makes the game so unfun (and i have no numpad so as far as i know no diagonal movement!)
for example to use heavy jab on the orcs right arm next to me i have to press Left Down Down Enter Down Down Enter, and repeat this multiple times. By binding jab to x i can reduce this to X enter down down enter. still not very fun. Nevermind i see the repeat attack hotkey.
The art quality being not brilliant is an obvious problem that needs no explaining, not a big problem on its own but when there are other problems such as control issues it just adds to it.
Enemy health is hard to see. if i want to know the enemies health (i think) i have to select it, choose an attack which targets parts, and then look. Showing enemies' health in a game like this is hard i understand but some way of telling would be nice, maybe you could make a key that when pressed shows the health of any damaged bodyparts of monsters in view next to them.
Also picking your characters tile at the start is quite annoying, it would be nice if we could filter them by clicking filters such as Human/Orc and Staff/Sword/Axe so we can pick one that looks like it should without looking through the huge list. Or the game could suggest one or more tiles depending on which race/weapon we pick
Starting a character is boring. Step 1. race, fine although i have to press down 5 times if i want to play kobold Step 2. stats, i have to press the right arrow key 30 times? so annoying. Step 3. skills, same problem i have to press buttons sooo many times. Step 4. weapons, quite a few button presses depending on what weapon i wish to use. Step 5. looks, problem with this explained above. Step 6. i'm alive, now i have to create my skills and bind them, which is a boring process if you already know exactly how to do it. so saving "loadouts" would be nice. Many of these problems would again be solved by mouse controls.
Very minor problem but a random name generator would be a nice addition (though maybe not worth your time to be honest)
Those are all the problems i can think of right now. Although i may seem quite critical in this comment i do think the game could be one of my favourite games and i'm trying to mention all of the problems so they can be fixed and it can become that game.