There are many ways community members can contribute to Vulkan ranging from joining Khronos as a member, making suggestions for the Vulkan spec via Github or contributing to the many open source software and tools projects. Here are a few pointers to how to get started:

There are many ways community members can contribute to Vulkan ranging from joining Khronos as a member, making suggestions for the Vulkan spec via Github or contributing to the many open source software and tools projects. Here are a few pointers to how to get started:
- Promoter/contributor levels: Directly influence the Vulkan spec (with voting rights)
- Associate/Academic levels: Advise the Working Group on future evolution topics (no voting rights)
Khronos hosts and maintains several public repos for Vulkan - please follow the contributing and licensing guidelines listed on the repos:
- The Vulkan specification (Vulkan_docs)
- Vulkan Guide (vulkan_guide)
- Khronos Vulkan Tutorial (vulkan_tutorial)
- Vulkan samples (vulkan_samples)
- website (vulkan_site)
- Many tools, layers, profiles, etc.
The public community can contribute via
- Submitting issues
- Suggesting improvements
- Engines
- Frameworks
- Libraries
- Language bindings
Vulkan Roadmap "proposal" (for background on Vulkan Roadmaps)
The Vulkan working group welcomes input from the developer community on challenges that you would like to see targeted in future Vulkan Roadmap milestones. If you have significant problems you’d like to see solved, major pain points that need addressing, improvements to streamline development, etc., your feedback will help guide the development of new solutions.
Submit a "Roadmap Feedback" issue on Vulkan-Docs
Open an issue (or comment on an existing Roadmap Feedback issue) on the Vulkan-Docs Github repo using the Roadmap Feedback issue template. See issue #2220 for an example.
Discord channel for roadmap ideas
Go to #vulkan-roadmap-discussions on the official Vulkan Discord and post suggested roadmap improvements to seed discussions with other Vulkan developers and Work Group members
Vulkan Roadmap "proposal" (for background on Vulkan Roadmaps)