This is the general contact form for contacting the Staff. You may need to contact us for a variety of reasons. However's staff plays a minimal role in site operation. Staff function is limited to screening, and site maintenance or operation outside of the publicly editable content.
Please read the following guidelines regarding appropriate reasons to contact the staff.
You may contact us about the following:
- Account troubles.
- Problems or bugs with the site.
- Submitting material to the site that has no appropriate mechanism.
- Database corrections you are unable to perform yourself using the publicly available [EDIT] links around the site.
- General inquiries regarding site operation that are not specified below as inappropriate.
You should NOT contact us regarding the following:
- Personal help, translation requests, hacking help, or help with emulators.
- Help with a particular document, utility, hack, or translation file contained on our site. Refer to the authors of such material.
- File or news submissions! Use the following links instead:
- Removal of material. (See full policy)

Before hitting 'Submit', please be sure that this submission falls under one of the appropriate reasons to contact us above. is a publicly maintained site and has limited staff resources available. Most tasks can be carried out by any user. In light of this, please be patient for a response.