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Recommendations for implementing the Hevolution Alliance for Aging Biomarkers initiative

In January 2024, a Hevolution Alliance for Aging Biomarkers thinktank convened at Cold Spring Harbor to discuss the framework for creating an open and diverse data resource for developing reliable aging biomarkers. As the funding for this initiative has now been confirmed, we summarize recommendations and key milestones for its implementation.

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Fig. 1: Recommended target aging measures and biomarkers.
Fig. 2: Workflow for the creation of Hevolution database.


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This work was supported in part by National Institute on Aging intramural research program.

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L.F., T.T., F.S. and V.P. wrote the paper. All authors contributed to the critical review of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Viviana Perez or Luigi Ferrucci.

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Tanaka, T., Sierra, F., Gladyshev, V.N. et al. Recommendations for implementing the Hevolution Alliance for Aging Biomarkers initiative. Nat Aging (2025).

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