Specialized Masters
Backed by its 18 research centers and 230 teacher-researchers, as well as by the strength of its network of partners and professional experts, Mines Paris – PSL offers 13 full-time or part-time Specialized Masters (MS) in 5 areas of excellence:
- Energy and Processes
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Mathematics and Systems
- Mechanics and Materials
- Economics, Management and Society

A Bac + 6 diploma course
The Mastères Spécialisés (MS) is a diploma accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles. Admission requires a diploma at Bac+5 level or equivalent.
It is open to a wide range of profiles, including :
- Graduates of Bac+5 (engineering, business school or Master’s degree)
- Bac+4 graduates with 3 years’ professional experience
- Holders of equivalent foreign qualifications
- Experienced executives wishing to give a new impetus to their careers through continuing education.
Our strengths
- a solid network of corporate and industrial partners;
- over 50% of students receive funding for their studies from companies;
- professional thesis topics at the heart of economic issues;
- academic excellence and interactive teaching methods combining theory and practice;
- a cross-disciplinary, multidisciplinary and managerial approach; small classes and personalized supervision;
a state-of-the-art technological environment an international outlook and reputation.
Funding options
Depending on the MS, several financing options are available to support students in their studies:
- industrial partnerships;
- companies (work-study contracts for MS EDI, EEDD, ENR, ERC, GAZ, MISL, MSIT, OSE);
- scholarships;
- research funds.
The registration fee is €800 and is not included in the above-mentioned training costs.
Applying for a Specialized Master’s degree
Each MS has its own admission requirements: visit the MS website to find out about them and apply. Polytechnique students can find the specific file on this link.
Full-time and sandwich courses
These are divided into two distinct phases:
- 6 to 8 months of theoretical training including over 400 hours of lectures, seminars, conferences, visits and study trips
- 4 to 6 months of work experience in a company or research laboratory. The course is completed by the writing of a professional thesis and its oral defense before a jury.
Energy and processes
Earth and environmental sciences
Mathematics and systems
Mechanics and materials
Economics, management, society
Time-sharing Master’s programs
With a total duration of 12 to 24 months, shared-time MS programs alternate between ten or so days of theoretical training per month and a professional assignment freely distributed over the total duration of the MS program. The range of Executive programs is compatible with the exercise of a professional activity.
Mathematics and Systems
Earth and environmental sciences