Shiv Iyer’s Post
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Query performance latency in #Amazon RDS for #MySQL involves analyzing query execution times using #SQL scripts. DBAs can identify and troubleshoot latency issues to optimize database performance by querying the performance schema or slow query logs. #dba #dbaas @MinervaDB
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Query performance latency in #Amazon RDS for #MySQL involves analyzing query execution times using #SQL scripts. DBAs can identify and troubleshoot latency issues to optimize database performance by querying the performance schema or slow query logs. #dba #dbaas @MinervaDB
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Query performance latency in #Amazon RDS for #MySQL involves analyzing query execution times using #SQL scripts. DBAs can identify and troubleshoot latency issues to optimize database performance by querying the performance schema or slow query logs. #dba #dbaas @MinervaDB
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The Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is the primary language for communicating with the Apache Cassandradatabase. The most basic way to interact with Apache Cassandra is using the CQL shell, cqlsh. Using cqlsh, you can create keyspaces and tables, insert and query tables, plus much more.
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I am using EclipseLink-2.6.1 with Amazon RDS database instance. The following code is used to inser Check it out: Join the conversation! #database #eclipselink #jdbc #jpa #postgresql
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Amazon RDS for SQL Server now integrates transaction log backups with Database Migration Service (DMS). This integration provides greater reliability in data replication for customers using DMS to replicate data from an RDS for SQL Server source database. If database connection interruptions or sudden transaction volume spikes cause active transaction logs to be archived before DMS can finish processing, DMS can now access the RDS for SQL Server backup logs to recover and resume replication. This prevents replication failures that would previously require a full data reload.
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#Migration From enterprise high License databases to high reliable open source databases , Migration is need for all #product companies to lower cost • from source schema to target compatible schema compatible schema , requires to analyze different objects schema conversion tools are exists to transform schemas , however , it applies and transform partly • schemas obects like , cluster indexes , cursors hierarical #query , scaler functions , date-time functions ,procedure, tigger and packages ,requires to manually transformed with accuracy • For large data set #migration , need to implement correct #statergy to migrate #data as #etl process or elt with minimal overhead for production database • #aws #azure and ,#gcp is an important tool for heterogeneous migration #dms • #dms is poweful tool yet, if correct #statergy if not apply , migration will be costly #cost #effective #oracle #postgres #sct #dms #mongodb #db2
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Optimizing Performance: Oracle to SQL Server Migration using JDBC. Introduction When migrating from Oracle to SQL Server, Azure SQL Database or Azure SQL Managed Instance, an application using the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server is often used to avoid re-writing the application. However, after migration it’s often discovered that performance is not the same as it was when the data was on Oracle. Optimizations are necessary for query tuning due to the distinct behaviors of the two database engines. An unnoticed yet significant issue arises from implicit conversions due to JDBC driver settings, leading to performance... #techcommunity #azure #microsoft
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Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) Performance Insights now collects the query execution plans of the resource-intensive SQL queries in Amazon RDS for SQL Server, and stores them over time. It helps you identify if a change in the query execution plan is the cause of performance degradation or stalled query.
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