Now, you can 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐲 learn at the speed of thought.
Let Feynman be your personal tutor, available 24/7 to clarify concepts and guide your learning journey—right on your notes. That's exactly what we've built with 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬.
Traditional note-taking is passive. Opennote Journals transforms it into an collaborative, multimodal learning experience. As you write, Feynman provides real-time feedback, asks thought-provoking questions, and helps you truly understand complex concepts – not just memorize them.
No more switching between apps or waiting for feedback. Get instant clarity on difficult concepts, collaborate seamlessly with peers in real-time, and transform your notes into powerful learning tools.
Journals are now ready for all users at today!
I'm Rishi. Hey, I'm Abby, and we're the developers at Opennote. Yeah. And so we've gotten a lot of great feedback from you guys. And one thing everyone wanted to see was we're collaboration within Opennote and actually being able to take notes directly on the site and be able to create your own content. And so as we're bringing today with journalists, yeah, So we can actually dive right in and talk about what journals has to offer. So in Openwrt interface, I'm actually going to ask for a new journal. And then once we give it a second, it's going to make a new journal that we can then navigate to where students are then able to interact with it. In a variety of ways. So we're going to 1st rename this and call a demo, and then let's add some content. So we're going to say hello world to start off with. And what students can do to make their education more collaborative is start by sharing it with their friends. So I'm gonna add Rishi to this journal right now. And once I send that in, we'll see in just a moment that ratio will be added to it. And then he'll be able to access his journal from his end. And we'll also have real time updates just like Google Docs, where students can collaborate with an open. Once you click done, we can move on to the next thing, which is once you're done typing your notes, you want to add interactive content. And so Rishi, you want to talk about that? Yeah and so just like on our main platform, we have Desmos integrations and whiteboarding integrations that work perfectly with the chat. We can use that to get more content, get more information and generate videos. We have the same exact multi modality within journals as well. We can create Desmos graphs and these are fully collaborative and real time as well, in addition to the notes, so we can add FX X ^3. Example and after crass, we can also add whiteboards so I'm going to ask for a whiteboard right here and then once we dive into the whiteboard interface, we'll actually be able to draw directly within here within open Note as well but really what we're trying to do is extend interactivity of educational AI. And so we've integrated Feynman as well as a new model Feynman mini directly into our interface such that you can interact with it and learn at the speed of thought with journals So to kind of show you a bit more about those new these new models and what we can really do in our collaborative. Environment with Feynman in the back end. We can go to a new space that we're recording. Yeah, for sure. So we're going to go to a space that we had talking about the history of Singapore. We're here. We've also added an image as well as other multimodal content such as a really bad drawing of Singapore as well. And so in here I'm gonna ask it for more details. I'm gonna say give me the current population metrics, sources for the country Singapore. Then we're going to type control. So select that block and we're going to click explore. And So what Explorer is going to do is it's going to be able to search for accurate web sources and give us proper data to extend our research and learning flow while in the journal. Great. So once we get the response back, we can see that we're going to get information on, you know, country meters as well as a bunch of other sources citing the current population of Singapore. But then we can also explore further and ask and explain. So what were the population? Trends for the country of Singapore. And then what we're going to do is select this block and send and we're going to ask it to explain further. So once Feynman is able to explain, it's going to get us a much faster response as not searching anymore and tell us more about that. Yeah. And so that's the beauty of our new fine and mini model, which is really, really made for note taking specifically to give you super, super concise, fast and accurate information you can put directly in your notes. And yeah, it is meant to have a super collaborative environment and have Feynman. Right there by your side, every step of the way so you could really learn at the speed of your dog. Journalists are now available for both free and paid users, with paid users having full unlimited access to everything that Fineman, Mini and Journalist has to offer. So give it a shot and let us know you think. Yeah, happy learning.
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