From the course: Windows Server 2016: Storage Services

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Resource Monitor

Resource Monitor

- [Instructor] Resource Monitor is a utility that can greatly enhance the understanding of what's happening on a server and why. This easy-to-view monitor can assist administrators to know what may be causing a bottleneck on their server. There's a couple different ways to open up the Resource Monitor. One way would be to go to Tools and then go down to Resource Monitor. Another way would be to go to our taskbar, right-click and go to Task Manager, and from there we can go to Performance and open Resource Monitor. Resource Monitor looks a little bit like the Task Manager, but it breaks things down into four different categories. The CPU, the Disk, the Network, and the Memory, which is also known as RAM. For this particular course we're going to mainly be focusing on the Disk. So this means we'll go ahead and collapse our CPU and expand our Disk activity. From here we can see several different pieces of…
