From the course: Windows Server 2016: Storage Services
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File shares and security discussion - Windows Server Tutorial
From the course: Windows Server 2016: Storage Services
File shares and security discussion
- [Instructor] File Sharing and security can be a very tricky formula because we take the permissions on the file sharing tab, and the permissions on the security tab, and then we use some math to create a formula that gives us our effective access for each user who is accessing the shared folder. So we need to see what that formula is. Let's start by looking at the share tab on the left hand side. So on the Share tab which is represented here, we have all of the members of our widget domain they have full access to our share. So if we add up all the rights, there's just one, it's if you're a domain user, you have full access. On the right hand side we have the security tab represented and on the security tab we have all domain users have read access. And the accounting has read and write access. SO this is the group that was created in active directory and called accounting. Then we have a username Jane, who has…