From the course: Windows Server 2016: Storage Services

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File server agent for Volume Shadow

File server agent for Volume Shadow - Windows Server Tutorial

From the course: Windows Server 2016: Storage Services

File server agent for Volume Shadow

- [Instructor] The File Server Agent for Volume Shadow service is a suite of VSS protocols to back up and protect data in a non-traditional way. Volume Shadow Copy has been around since the early versions of Windows Server, and these new features take advantage of this technology. There are three different pieces to the File Server Agent for Volume Shadow. The first is the File Share Shadow Copy Provider, the second is the File Share Shadow Copy Agent, and the third is the File Server Remote VSS Protocol. The File Server Agent for Volume Shadow does not work on the Windows Server 2016 backup. It does work, however, for Backup Exec, Arcserv, Veeam, and others. The File Share Server Copy Provider manages shadow copies on remote universal naming convention paths, where the application stores its data files and then relays the shadow copy request to the File Share Shadow Copy Agents. The Agent is a Volume Shadow Service requester…
