From the course: Windows Server 2016: Storage Services

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Configure an iSCSI initiator

Configure an iSCSI initiator

- [Male Narrator] In a previous video, we demonstrated how to set up an iSCSI target so we could use the extra storage on one server and utilize it on another server that needs that extra storage space. Now we're going to be on the iSCSI initiator server, and this is the server that will connect to that free storage that we set up on the other server. In server manager, if we go to file and storage services, we can confirm that the iSCSI target is ready to go, and we can see here iSCSI target, name of the server is Data. That is correct, and this is the target number that we need in order to communicate between the two servers. It's also known as an initiator ID. Let's go up to tools and go to iSCSI initiator, and connect to that storage. When prompted, go ahead and choose yes to starting the iSCSI initiator service, and then a new box will appear. Let's go ahead and put in the target, data, and click quick connect, and it…
