From the course: Virtualization: Configuring VMs Across Platforms with VMware, Hyper-V, VirtualBox, Vagrant, and KVM

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Vagrant on Linux

Vagrant on Linux

- All right, let's install Vagrant on Linux. Do remember Vagrant needs a virtualization solution to be installed. I have already installed a virtualbox here. Alternatively, Vagrant works at VMware workstation and also with KVM. Now let me start by doing a sudo app install vagrant that will install a vagrant from the Ubuntu repositories. Next you would use a vagrant init to initialize the Vagrant environment. And there we can see that the Vagrant file has been placed in this directory. That's looking good. Now this Vagrant file is what allows you to do a simple vagrant up to bring up your fir, your first virtual machine without even thinking about what it's doing. And oh no, what do we get here? We get a dependency problem. The fact is that I'm using a virtualbox version, which is version 7, and Vagrant as in the Ubuntu repository, it only supports virtualbox up to version 6.1. What are we going to do about that? Well, about that, you are going to…
