From the course: Using AI with Filemaker Pro

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Working with Perform Semantic Find

Working with Perform Semantic Find - FileMaker Pro Tutorial

From the course: Using AI with Filemaker Pro

Working with Perform Semantic Find

- [Narrator] Once we have created and stored embedding vectors in our FileMaker file, we can leverage those vectors to do things like perform a semantic find, and we'll do so with script support and calculation support in FileMaker. So let's implement a perform semantic find function inside the meetings file so we can see how this works. So first off, we're going to go under Scripts, because we're going to create a script to perform semantic find. Let's hit the plus button to add a new script. Let's call this one Perform Semantic Find. And the very first script step we're going to put in here is actually the Perform Script. Because like we've done in previous exercises, we want to have the Configure AI Account script run, that will effectively flip the switch to on to allow us access to the account that we configured in that script, which is the Open AI's Embeddings Account, specifically that small embeddings account, because we are going to need access to that in the upcoming script…
