From the course: Using AI with Filemaker Pro

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Testing Perform Semantic Find

Testing Perform Semantic Find - FileMaker Pro Tutorial

From the course: Using AI with Filemaker Pro

Testing Perform Semantic Find

- [Instructor] Okay, let's add Semantic Find capabilities to our meetings app by giving the users a way to enter in their search terms, and a way to perform Semantic Find using those terms. So here we are in the meeting details layouts. Let's first add a field that users can enter their semantic search criteria into. If you recall, we added a field in the meeting table called Search Field. We are not going to need the label, so let's turn on the No Label option. Let's drag the search field right above Notes. And the reason is because we're searching against those notes, semantically searching, that is, and so it makes sense to put it on top. Let's make it a little bit wider. Let's go over into our pane over here. And while we have that selected, let's turn off anchoring on the left and make it stretch all the way to the right. Okay, the other important layout setting here is that we want to make this 14 point. The reason is it'll make it just a little bit smaller. While we have it…
