From the course: Using AI with Filemaker Pro

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Setting up AI integration

Setting up AI integration

- [Instructor] Before we can start to build in semantic search and some of the other AI capabilities, we first need to establish a connection between an AI account and our FileMaker file. Now at the time of this recording, you can integrate your FileMaker Pro apps with an online OpenAI account through an API key or by using FileMaker Server and a local open source model. Now in this entire course, we're going to use the OpenAI API key approach. And if you're interested in setting up a local language model on your own machine, you can go to FileMaker help for details. So let me show you how you get an OpenAI API key. So if you do not already have an OpenAI account, you can go to You can then create your own account using either one of your Google, Microsoft or Apple accounts, or you can set up a new account using an email address. Once you've successfully signed into your account, you can go under your profile, which is currently in the upper right hand…
