From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training
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Working with configurations - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial
From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training
Working with configurations
- [Instructor] Configurations allow us to have multiple versions of the same part. They can actually be bigger or smaller. We can control if cuts or features are turned on or off and we can do a whole lot of things inside of the Configuration Manager. So in this part right here, you can see I've got several different features. I've got the main rectangular or square extrude and then I've got series of cuts, so I have this triangular cut from the side, I have a square cut from the other side and then I have a circular cut going through the top. Now what if I want to make different configurations? One had only the circular cut. One only had the triangular cut and maybe one only had the square cut and maybe I want it to be a little bit different size. Well, we can do that under the Configuration Manager. So over here under the Feature Manager, if you go two tabs over, is the Configuration Manager. Click on that one there.…
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Loft tool9m 36s
Lofted shapes with guide curves2m 20s
Making lofted cuts2m 27s
Creating swept shapes3m 52s
Making swept cuts3m 32s
Using the Wrap command2m 36s
Boundary Boss/Base4m 4s
Intersect tool4m 13s
Working with configurations3m 46s
Surface tools2m 54s
Using surfaces to build solid models2m 41s
Direct Editing: Move/Copy Bodies4m 56s
Direct Editing: Move Face3m 12s
Direct Editing: Combine2m 51s
Direct Editing: Split4m 19s
Project Curve2m 50s
Slice tool4m 25s
Introduction to Sheet Metal tools3m 21s
Introduction to weldments3m 54s
Review of available tool sets6m 47s
Using Markup3m 7s