From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

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Using surfaces to build solid models

Using surfaces to build solid models - SOLIDWORKS Tutorial

From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

Using surfaces to build solid models

- [Instructor] We can use surfaces to create solids. In this video, I'm going to be showing you how to use the basic Extrude feature, but with the end condition of Up to Surface or Offset from Surface. Now, we've seen the Extrude feature before, but we didn't have a surface to actually play with, and now we do. So before I can do that, though, I have to make sure I have one surface. So right over here, I've created a couple surfaces. So I have this surface extrude, and I have this surface sweep. Now I need to connect those guys together so I can use them as one surface to end my feature. So to do that, I'm going to come up here to Knit Surface. It's under the Surfacing tool bar. And just go ahead and choose these two surfaces and say go ahead and combine them together. So now I have one knit surface, and we should be all set. Now, let's go down here to plane two. Click on that, and draw out a box. So I'm just going to…
