From the course: SOLIDWORKS 2022 Essential Training

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Direct Editing: Split

Direct Editing: Split

- [Instructor] The split command can allow me to take an individual body, slice it into a couple different parts, operate on one of those parts, and then later we can use the combined command to bring things back together. So let me show you how it works. Right over here, I want to use the split command and which is right up here under the direct editing toolbar, click on that, my trim tool one to be this sketch right there. And I'm going to use that to cut that body and notice I get two different bodies here and make sure down here at the bottom you're just checking all the boxes, make sure everything's good, click OK. We need to make sure we're specifying the bodies there, so we do want both of those click OK, and there it is. All right, so now we split it up and you can see we've got two different bodies this one here and that one there. So I want to hide the outside one, so I'm not working with that one right…
