From the course: Learning REST APIs

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Tools to see REST API in action

Tools to see REST API in action

From the course: Learning REST APIs

Tools to see REST API in action

- [Instructor] All right, enough talk. Let's take a look at a REST-API in action. To do this, we first need a REST-API to interact with and here at the onset we'll use a public Sandbox REST-API. There are several of these REST-APIs available for free on the web. In this example, I'll be using the one you see here called REQ/RES. You can find it at Let's start by making a basic GET request to see the root of this REST-API. Most of these public REST-APIs have extensive documentation on how to use them and REQ/RES is no exception. If you scroll down on the front page of the service, you'll find a list of a bunch of different requests you can send and it also models the request responses, so you can see exactly what's going on. Here we have a GET request for list users. This is what the actual request looks like, it gets a 200 response, meaning everything works properly, and here's the data that's returned. You can switch to single user and you can see the data changes. You can…
