From the course: Learning NGINX
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Decommission cloud resources - Nginx Tutorial
From the course: Learning NGINX
Decommission cloud resources
- [Instructor] If you deployed cloud resources for this course, you may want to turn them off or remove them to avoid unexpected costs. This is particularly true for a service you created or any IP addresses that you allocated. And to help keep your account from getting cluttered, it helps to remove any security groups and SSH keys that are no longer needed. Methods for decommissioning resources vary between cloud providers. But if you used AWS, you can follow along with me as I clean up my sandbox environment. I'm starting here on the EC2 dashboard where I have one instance running. I'll follow that link and I'll find my sandbox server. There it is. All I need to do is select the checkbox next to its name, select Instance State, and then Terminate Instance. I have to confirm this by clicking Terminate, so I'll go ahead and click that. After I've terminated my instance, I'll refresh the screen a few times just to make…