From the course: Kali Linux for Advanced Pen Testing and Ethical Hacking
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Obtaining Windows passwords - Linux Tutorial
From the course: Kali Linux for Advanced Pen Testing and Ethical Hacking
Obtaining Windows passwords
- [Instructor] The easiest way to access a system is to walk in the front door using a valid set of credentials. And when we carry out penetration testing, we'll often be looking at a network rather than just a single host. So getting access to a password on one machine may well give us that front door access for another. Let's have a look at what we need to do to collect credentials from a Windows target. We'll start by opening the Windows Command Shell as administrator. We can list the user accounts on a system by using the net user command. And we can then get more details by selecting one. Windows credentials may come from an active directory account or maybe stored locally. Passwords are stored in two ways. The LAN manager password hash and the NT password hash. These are often seen together separated by a colon in what's known as an NTLM hash pair. Neither of the passwords is salted. LM hashes are limited to 14…
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