From the course: iPhone Photography: Capturing and Editing Raw Photos

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Transferring RAW files to your computer with cloud storage

Transferring RAW files to your computer with cloud storage

From the course: iPhone Photography: Capturing and Editing Raw Photos

Transferring RAW files to your computer with cloud storage

- Besides syncing your entire library with something like iCloud, you might find that transferring individual images, using a cloud utility to be more useful if you just want to download individual raw files. In this case, you could take advantage of something like say, Google Drive. What you'll want to do on your device is launch Google Drive. This allows you to browse the contents of your phone. Now, click the plus button here and choose upload. You're going to be presented with different options, browsing files, or selecting video, or photos. So I'll choose photos and video, and it lets me go right to the material here. You'll see that you could browse through different categories on your Drive and you'll see different albums that you've potentially built. Let's just go back up to the top here and we'll go to recent items. Now, what I can do is select the files that I want to transfer. Now, without overlays, if…
