From the course: IoT Foundations: Device Management

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Message transfer protocols

Message transfer protocols

- [Instructor] One basic service that device management protocols need to utilize is end to end data transfer mechanism between device management entities. This service is provided by a message transfer protocol. This service provided by the message transfer protocols, also helps create the value chain for IoT applications with the enablement for interoperability for data and networks. Now, let's see technically how the message transfer protocols can help with transferring messages in DM solutions. In this example, the DM entities such as the DM Server and the management devices A to D, running the DM Server and client software are connected to the communication networks. The DM Solution will benefit from required logical connections from the clients to the server which are created by the message transfer protocols between them no matter what the possible changes in physical connections will be. We have different options for messaging transfers. Using the generic HTTP protocol can do…
