From the course: Finding a Job on LinkedIn
Search for a job
- [Instructor] In this video, we'll take a look at how to search for jobs on LinkedIn. This experience is going to be slightly different for everyone, depending on what it is that you're looking for. But I think you'll find the process to be very intuitive and that the search filters are really powerful. Right now, I'm inside of Julie Parker's LinkedIn profile and I could actually start doing a search right now from up in the search bar. So here I could type in something like program manager and then from the dropdown select program manager in jobs. If I do this, it brings me to that jobs page and begins that search. Now you can also do this by going up to the jobs tab. So if I back out here and go back to Julie's profile, I can go up to the jobs tab at the top and click on that. Here I can begin searching for a job by either job title, skill, or company, or by the location. Now down below this, notice here that it says job searches and has several listed. These are jobs searches that Julie's done in the past. And the cool thing is is that they'll automatically save them, and then this green number next to them shows you any new jobs that fit within that criteria since last time you looked at it. So that's a nice way to stay up to date on how your job searches are doing. Right now I'm going to go here and click on search by title and I'm going to type in program manager. I'll select that and it brings me to this job page. I can see here that I've narrowed this down to 154,000 jobs that fit this, but we really haven't put in any filters yet. The first thing I'll do is narrow down the location. So at the top instead of United States I'm going to be more specific, and this is in Los Angeles, California, next I can filter it by date posted, by experience level, so here let's say that we need an associate level job click show results. Next is company, if you'd like to work at a specific company you can enter that company in job type, I'm going to click full-time show results. You can decide if you're open to working remotely and to the right of this, you can see all filters. If I click on all filters, then we get this scroll down menu where we can see everything that you can filter it by. And check this out there's things such as whether or not it's remote work, whether or not you have easy reply, the distance, your specific location. The industry, industry is a really important one especially if you have a vague title, like program manager. There may be different industries that you could work in and you'll need to specify the one that you want to be in that you're applying for these jobs in. And this can be kind of tricky. Now down here, you have job function, title, whether you want ones with under 10 applicants, things like salary , benefits and more. So you can see with these filters, you really have the ability to focus in on jobs that are specifically tailored for you and what you need. Now, I have this narrowed down right now at 993 but I could select more. Let's say right now that I needed this to be 80,000 plus, show results, it's going to narrow this way down, if I go up here, I could look at these filters again and say that I wanted to be in the product management industry, and I'm down to 79. So as you start to do this you'll find the different jobs that will fit your criteria and they'll show up on this left-hand side. Now, as I scroll down, I can see the different jobs. And then if I click on one to the right we'll see the actual job posting. Next let's take a look at the job postings and what we can learn from them.