From the course: Excel: Filtering Data for Beginners

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Filter with a formula

Filter with a formula

- [Instructor] Often people ask, can I filter using a formula? And the answer is yes, you can, using the filter function. So off to the side here, I'm going to select cell G2, and I'm going to type = FILTER, and then I'm going to press Tab. And Excel bolds this item here, called array. And it's essentially asking me, okay, what do you want to filter? Well, I want to filter cells A1 through E391. And I just know that because that's the last row of data, 391. Now, all I do is press the comma key to add a comma. Now it's asking me, okay, you want to filter A1 through E391, but how do you want me to filter, what's the criteria for that? I want to filter to include only Jan Kotas' sales. But I can't just type Jan Kotas here, I need to type the range of cells that Jan will appear in. So I'm going to first establish that range of cells she might be in. And that's B1, right? 'Cause Sales Rep is here. She's in B1 through B391. So I'll go ahead and type B1:B391. And then I'm not done with…
