From the course: Dependency Mapping for Cloud Migration

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Using the sweep and pull method

Using the sweep and pull method

- [Instructor] The next method I want to share with you has been used for a very long time, called sweep and poll. This is how it works. This is installed on a centralized location. It is a method of discovering apps and services on the entire enterprise. It pings the IP addresses of devices on a network and finds out how they're communicating to each other, and then identifies the servers, the applications, and all the components and their connections to each other. So this can map out your network, who is talking to who, how they are talking to each other, when they're talking to each other. So a good map is the end product of the sweep and poll method. And again, it is very traditional. This is what we use for years and years and years to try to discover what applications are on your network and what those applications depend upon. Here are the pros and cons for this. The benefit, it can examine the entire network…
