From the course: Dependency Mapping for Cloud Migration
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Application dependency mapping
From the course: Dependency Mapping for Cloud Migration
Application dependency mapping
- [Instructor] Understanding application dependency mapping. Let me start with the definition. This definition kind of consolidated all the definitions I've seen. It's "The process of discovering each application, what that application is dependent upon, and how all these applications are interconnected in the context of your entire network infrastructure." Some of the challenges I would like you to note, and we start with security and compliance. Security and compliance, that is the number one concern that you're going to have from the people that told you, we need to migrate to the cloud. Because the internet is open. You don't have that physical barrier protecting it. You don't have necessarily your firewall, even though you can build the firewall and you can build it out just how you have it local, that's security is a concern. Compliance, you have internal compliance needs, you might have external compliance needs…