From the course: Critical Thinking for Better Judgment and Decision-Making
Upgrading critical thinking
From the course: Critical Thinking for Better Judgment and Decision-Making
Upgrading critical thinking
- The rapid pace of change and unprecedented access to information, information that's not always entirely reliable, makes critical thinking more important than ever. As you progress as a leader, increasingly you'll need to rely on critical thinking to separate fact from fiction, transfer knowledge from one context to another, ask the right questions, and challenge assumptions. In this course, you'll apply specific techniques for you and your team to upgrade critical thinking skills to avoid deceiving fallacies, spot misleading cognitive biases, craft better arguments, hone your judgment, and improve your decision making. The test of becoming a better critical thinker isn't whether you're learned a new fact, but whether you can identify times you're using critical thinking skills versus other skills to make better judgments and decisions. The biggest bonus is that as you work on this skill it travels with you, improving your judgments and decisions in every aspect of your life.