From the course: CompTIA Network+ (N10-008) Cert Prep

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- Hi, I don't have long, I've got to get all these files transferred. In fact, when it comes to the internet, file transfer is a big job and it's something we do all the time. Now, today, a lot of times what we will do is we'll open up a webpage, and we can actually download files and that's great. But what I want to talk about is something called file transfer protocol or FTP. FTP's been around for a long, long time. It predates the worldwide web and it is still the real common way that we use to transfer files in particular very, very large files. So to watch FTP work, let's fire up a client and a server. Okay, so here we are back at the lab, and once again I've got a FTP server, and I've got an FTP client. Now, FTP is a little bit weird in particular because things like web servers and email clients and things like that often come with operating systems. FTP is not quite as common as being a built-in application. For example, it would be tricky for you to find an FTP server built…
