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Web Performance

Harper fuses database, cache, messaging, and application functions into a single process, delivering web performance, simplicity, and resilience unmatched by multi-technology stacks.
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Planet at night

Maximize Revenue Potential

High-performing websites drive greater engagement, boost conversion rates, and fuel revenue growth.
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Without Harper

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

4.67 s

Your page load time of 4.67
seconds is poor.

With Harper

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

0.18 s

Your page load time of 0.18
seconds is good.
Well dressed developer wrtiting code at a desk
7x faster page load times, going from 2 seconds to 0.3 seconds.
26x faster time to largest contentful paint (LCP), going from 4.67 seconds to 0.18 seconds.
27% in YoY e-commerce revenue growth after implementing Harper.

Exclusive First Look: Next-Gen E-Commerce Architecture

High-Performance Distributed Applications: The Future of Scalable Systems
Read More About It

Fused Technology

Unleash performance, efficiency, and scalability by embedding Node.js, Next.js, and other applications directly in process with distributed data systems.
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HarperDB Emblem - Dog Head

Full Stack, Single Process

Massive Savings for MASSIVE Workloads

Harper's unified technology removes the overhead between systems, significantly reducing total compute requirements. Here are a few industry specific examples of savings that Harper has delivered.  

Performant Everywhere

Harper distributes and synchronizes services, delivering a superior experience for users and developers compared to the common piecemeal multi-technology approach.
Service Fabric Global Architecture Map
Real-Time Data Synchronization
Keep data for high throughput services in-sync across the globe.
Single-Touch Responses
Place fully contained service nodes (data included) near every population center.
Sub-Millisecond Server Latency
From API request to data response in under 1 millisecond.
Global Data Replication
Client-to-Server Roundtrip Latency
P95 Server Response Times

Nodes/ Cluster

Less Work for Developers

Save engineering time with unified functionality that simplifies application delivery.

Auto Generate Endpoints from Schemas

By using a GraphQL schema, it’s easy to create database tables, indexes, relationships, and REST endpoints.
// Adding the @export directive when defining a table creates a REST endpoint 

type Owner @table @export { 
    name: String
    age: Int 
    address: String 
    phone: String 
    email: String 
    dogId: ID @indexed # Foreign key referencing the Pet table (Dog ID)
    dog: [Dog] @relationship(from: dogId) # Relationship to the Dog table, linked by dogId

type Dog @table @export {
    id: ID @primaryKey # The unique identifier for each Dog (Primary Key)
    name: String 
    breed: String 
    age: Int    

// The REST endpoint can be accessed using the following URL when running a Harper application component on your local machine:
curl 'http://localhost:9926/Owner/'

Custom Endpoints in Minutes

Harper’s application component provides tremendous flexibility and control over how data is accessed and modified in Harper.
// The code below retrieves a dog's information from the database using the DogAge class, which extends the Dog model to provide functionality for converting a dog's age to human age.

// This class retrieves a dog's information from the database and calculates its equivalent age in human years. 

const { Dog } = tables;

// Convert dog age to human age
export class DogAge extends Dog {
    get() {
        const dog = super.get(); // Get the dog from the database
        const humanAge = dog.age * 7; // Convert dog age to human age
        return {, humanAge }; // Return the dog with human age

Simple Client to Data Interactions

Easilyquery REST or custom endpoints – no drivers or third-party libraries are required.
// Add new data to the database


curl -X POST http://localhost:9926/Owner/ \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "id": 1,
    "name": "harper",
    "breed": "good boy",
    "age": 5
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Accelerate Every Experience

Leveraging Harper, Edison Interactive distributed their API cache across Verizon's 5G Edge, plummeting latency below 20 milliseconds.
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