The Giver (Official Trailer)
Author: Lois Lowry
Book: The Giver
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I'm excited that this movie has such quality actors in it. The book was excellent and I'm hoping I will be able to say the same about the movie.
I loved the book, and always thought it would make a smashing film - but this film looks too American. I wouldn't want to see this at all. :(
What the heck is this?! This is what I hate about movies that once were books, you imagine it in your own ways in amazing ways and when you see the movie, its all ruined. This looks creepy and scary thats not how the book is, or at least the real meaning of the book... Im not so sure this looks like a great movie, but well, we will see....
Ruby wrote: "Great book, trailer not how i imagened it"
yeah, i know. The trailer looks too creepy, Thats not how we all imagined the book...
Well, how can I explain myself?
Is this trailer representing a movie that is not The Giver, or is it just me?
Am I the only one who think this is completely different from the book?
I've decided that when it comes to movies based on books, 'based on' means they took the basic plotline (or part of it) and wrote their own story based on (haha) what they thought audiences would pay to see. Unfortunately, the meaning and subtext of the book becomes lost. I very rarely go to see movies based on books I've read. They're usually disappointing, and I get too frustrated,
You guys are exactly right. I'll be avoiding this movie altogether. In general I fear watching movies based from books I enjoyed.
However, I'll give you 2 that I have both loved the book & movie back to back... Contact by Carl Sagan (although some scenes from the book didn't make it to video, still worth it) -&- Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut -BIG TIME!!!! I've watched it at least 8 times and cry EVERY time.
I am definitely seeing this movie, but I am a little afraid of a disappointment. It looks like they made a teen romance out of Jonas and Fiona.
Lucia wrote: "What the heck is this?! This is what I hate about movies that once were books, you imagine it in your own ways in amazing ways and when you see the movie, its all ruined. This looks creepy and s..."
"This is what I hate about movies that once were books, you imagine it in your own ways in amazing ways and when you see the movie, its all ruined" This was exactly how i felt when i read and then watched divergent, the movie was SO different from the book, it was honestly very disappointed, but i wasn't surprised. I had imagined the characters looking so much different, and sometimes, i think its fun to just make a movie up in your head, you know? Sometimes, when im going through my lists of books, i can't remember if i had watched the movie of if i had just imagined it all. Anyway, if you read a book and then watch the movie very carefully, there are always gonna be details left out. I don't know if its because they have limited time or what, but, don't bother getting your hopes up, because the odds are normally not in our favor when it comes to whether the books will be like the movie.
Wasn't Jonas, like, 12? And the book was great because there was no romance?
Damn you, movie people. When will you understand that the best chance for the movie to succeed is for you to win the fans of the book first? STOP CHANGING THE PLOT. THE PLOT IS WHAT PEOPLE LOVED IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Jazzy wrote: "I loved the book, and always thought it would make a smashing film - but this film looks too American. I wouldn't want to see this at all. :("
The actors are American but I'll bet the similarity stops there, for the most part. Lois Lowry did a really great job of creating a different world for this series and she has said she was pleased with the movie. I would say that you might take a chance and watch it, because you will probably be pleasantly surprised. I plan to see it as soon as I can. :)
I really want to watch the movie. I just started the book im going the finish the book before I watch the movie.
Interesting trailer.. I'm pretty sure Jonas is supposed to be younger, and I thought they would work harder to show the concept of sameness, but we can't get everything we want. I might watch it, although the trailer makes it seem like some kind of science fiction movie, so I'm not so sure I'll like it. However, the casting seems quite good, which might just make up for how different it seems to be from the book.
I saw the movie, but didn't like it as much as the book.
The part I loved about the movie was when it started out in black and white and when Jonas started to see colors the movie gradually became, well, more colored! :-)
Leiden wrote: "I thought the movie would be in black and white, until Jonas receives the memories."
It actually is but in the trailer it uses a lot of scenes from after he gets his memories. But you do see a little color before like from the red apple in the book but, instead of the apple in the movie we see Fiona's red hair.
Kat wrote: "Wasn't Jonas, like, 12? And the book was great because there was no romance?
Damn you, movie people. When will you understand that the best chance for the movie to succeed is for you to win the fa..."
Thank You Someone gets it finally
Usual American criteria for a movie based on a book:
Foul Language
Over Romantic
Not at all like the book
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Book: The Giver
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Coming to theaters August 15, 2014!
The haunting story of THE GIVER centers on Jonas, who lives in a seemingly ideal, if colorless, world of conformity and contentment. Not until he is given his life assignment as the Receiver of Memory does he begin to understand the dark, complex secrets behind his fragile community. The film is based on Lois Lowry's beloved young adult novel of the same name, which was the winner …more
Coming to theaters August 15, 2014!
The haunting story of THE GIVER centers on Jonas, who lives in a seemingly ideal, if colorless, world of conformity and contentment. Not until he is given his life assignment as the Receiver of Memory does he begin to understand the dark, complex secrets behind his fragile community. The film is based on Lois Lowry's beloved young adult novel of the same name, which was the winner …more
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message 1:
[deleted user]
Mar 24, 2014 05:55AM
I'm so excited about the movie as I really enjoyed reading this book. Hopefully the movie is as good as the book.

yeah, i know. The trailer looks too creepy, Thats not how we all imagined the book...

Is this trailer representing a movie that is not The Giver, or is it just me?
Am I the only one who think this is completely different from the book?

However, I'll give you 2 that I have both loved the book & movie back to back... Contact by Carl Sagan (although some scenes from the book didn't make it to video, still worth it) -&- Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut -BIG TIME!!!! I've watched it at least 8 times and cry EVERY time.

"This is what I hate about movies that once were books, you imagine it in your own ways in amazing ways and when you see the movie, its all ruined" This was exactly how i felt when i read and then watched divergent, the movie was SO different from the book, it was honestly very disappointed, but i wasn't surprised. I had imagined the characters looking so much different, and sometimes, i think its fun to just make a movie up in your head, you know? Sometimes, when im going through my lists of books, i can't remember if i had watched the movie of if i had just imagined it all. Anyway, if you read a book and then watch the movie very carefully, there are always gonna be details left out. I don't know if its because they have limited time or what, but, don't bother getting your hopes up, because the odds are normally not in our favor when it comes to whether the books will be like the movie.
Jazzy wrote: "I loved the book, and always thought it would make a smashing film - but this film looks too American. I wouldn't want to see this at all. :("
I feel you 3
I feel you 3

Damn you, movie people. When will you understand that the best chance for the movie to succeed is for you to win the fans of the book first? STOP CHANGING THE PLOT. THE PLOT IS WHAT PEOPLE LOVED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

The actors are American but I'll bet the similarity stops there, for the most part. Lois Lowry did a really great job of creating a different world for this series and she has said she was pleased with the movie. I would say that you might take a chance and watch it, because you will probably be pleasantly surprised. I plan to see it as soon as I can. :)

The part I loved about the movie was when it started out in black and white and when Jonas started to see colors the movie gradually became, well, more colored! :-)

It actually is but in the trailer it uses a lot of scenes from after he gets his memories. But you do see a little color before like from the red apple in the book but, instead of the apple in the movie we see Fiona's red hair.

Damn you, movie people. When will you understand that the best chance for the movie to succeed is for you to win the fa..."
Thank You Someone gets it finally

Foul Language
Over Romantic
Not at all like the book