The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion
note: This topic has been closed to new comments.
Summer Challenge 2013: Completed Tasks (DO NOT DELETE POSTS)

15.9 Mountains to Climb
Read a book with river in title-
The River by Gary Paulsen
Link to Paperback:
The River
Total Points- 15
Total Tasks- 1
Goodreads Authors- 0
Big Books- 0

5.2 – 20 years ago.
Read a book with a number in the title.
The Twelve Clues of Christmas
Total Points- 5
Total Tasks- 1
Goodreads Authors- 0
Big Books- 0

Task 5.1-10 Years Ago
Read a book by an author who uses initials as part of his or her Goodreads name.
The Once In A While Hero by C.S. Adler
Total Points-5

5.3 30 years ago
Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay
Points this post: 5
Total Points: 5/1350
Tasks Completed: 1
Books Read: 1
GR Authors: 0
Big Book Tickets: 0
5.5 - 50 years ago:
basic color list (Red)
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Total Points- 5
Tasks Completed: 1
Books Read: 1
Goodreads Authors- 0
Big Books- 0
(I hope i did this right)
basic color list (Red)

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Total Points- 5
Tasks Completed: 1
Books Read: 1
Goodreads Authors- 0
Big Books- 0
(I hope i did this right)

I read The Rug Merchant by Meg Mullins. The author's name has consecutive M's
Task Points: 5
Total Points: 5
GoodReads Authors:
Tasks Completed: 1

I read Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. Shares a name with Lauren Ward who is nominated for Matilda the Musical.
Task Points: 5
Number of Challenges Completed: 1
Number of Books Read: 1
Total Number of Points: 5

5.6- 60 Years Ago
***Because in the title***
Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo
link to paperback:
Because of Winn-Dixie
Total Points- 20
Total Tasks- 2
Goodreads Authors- 0
Big Books- 0

A book with a fruit or vegetable in the title.
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake
Aimee Bender is a Goodreads author
Points this post: 5
Total Points: 5/1350
Tasks Completed: 1
Books Read: 1
GR Authors: 1
Big Book Tickets: 0

Today's total: 5
Grand total: 5

5.3 – 30 years ago.
Undead and Unemployed by Mary Janice Davidson who is a Goodreads Author
Points this post: 5
Total Points: 5/1350
Tasks Completed: 1
Books Read: 1
GR Authors: 1
Points this post: 5
Pages Read: 272
Big Book Tickets: 0

Millicent Min, Girl Genius by Lisa Yee (GOODREADS AUTHOR) -- consecutive Ms and Gs in title!
Total Points: 5

15.7 11/11
Any Duchess Will Do by Tessa Dare
SS in Duchess & Tessa
**Tessa Dare is a Goodreads Author**
Points this Post: 15
Total Challenge Points: 15
Goodreads Authors: 1
Big Books: 500+(0),750+(0),1000+(0)

A) Destination Wedding
I read Le Misanthrope by Molière which is set in the palace of Versailles
D) Something Old Something New
I read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Points this post: 30
Total: 30

30.1 - Ms. Anderson's Task - Name Dropping
I rolled 2 1's.

Points This Post: 30
Total Points: 30

Task 5.3-30 Years Ago
Read a book whose author's name begins with the same letter.
The Shadows of Christmas Past (Christmas Series, #3) by Susan Sizemore
Please Note- This book is comprised of two novellas. The author of the second book is Susan Sizemore, however when I click on author Goodreads defaults to the first author's name.
Total Points to Date-10
Total Tasks-2
Goodreads Author-0
Big Book-0

Task 15.10-No More Homework
Read a book your choice
The Time-Traveling Fashionista by Bianca Turetsky
Claiming Goodreads Author
Total Points to Date-25
Total Tasks-2
Goodreads Author-1
Big Book-0

5.4 Hoop or ring on cover

Points this post: 5
Total Points: 5
Tasks Completed: 1
Books Read: 1
GR Authors: 1
Big Book Tickets: 0

Task 25.2 - Trivial Pursuit: Summer of 1994 Edition
Option 4 - Arts and Literature
Read a book with genre "mystery" on its main page
In the Shadow of Blackbirds
***Cat Winters is a Goodreads Author***
Option 5 - Science and Nature
Read a book with an "outdoors" cover

Total Points to Date - 25
Total Tasks - 1
Goodreads Author - 1
Big Book - 0
Total Books - 2

Today's total 5
Grand total: 10

5.2 – 20 years ago. (Number in title)
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
**Mitch Albom is a GR Author**
Points this post: 5
Total Points: 5
GR Author: 1
Big Ticket Books: 0

10.4 The Sunshine State
Finding Perfect by Susan Mallery
Set in California
****** Susan Mallery is a Goodreads Author ******
Points this post: 10
Total Points: 15/1350
Tasks Completed: 2
Books Read: 2
GR Authors: 1
Big Book Tickets: 0

The Wednesday Sisters
Meg Waite Clayton
This task 5 points
Total points 15

Task #5.8 – 80 years ago.
Read a book with more than one author.
The Vow: The Kim & Krickitt Carpenter Story by Kim Carpenter & John Perry

Points This Post: 5 points
Total Points: 5 points
Books Read: 1
Tasks Completed: 1
Goodreads Authors Tickets:
Big books (500+) Tickets:

Read a book with one of the color words from Microsofts's Basic Color List in the title.
I read The Grey Man by Andy McNab.
Alternate spelling of Gray has been approved here. As it is only 99 pages it will be my one book between 80-100 pgs.
30.3: Sheila/Kathy G's task: Kickin' Back with the Girls from R.E.L.A.X
Option R: Read a book that has been RECOMMENDED to you.
I read Sandstorm by James Rollins. This book was recommended to me from a friend in my bookclub.
**James Rollins is a Goodreads Author**
**Sandstorm is a big book at 718 pages long**
Option A: Acquire a book to read from a friend or from the library.
I read Firefight by Chris Ryan. This was a book I borrowed from the library.
Points this post: 35
Total points: 35
Tasks completed: 2
Books read: 3
Pages read: 1160
Goodreads authors: 1
Big books: 500+ (1); 750+ (0); 1000+ (0)

20.10- Group Reads
The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler
I posted in the discussion thread- Message #2
Total Points- 40
Total Tasks- 3
Goodreads Authors- 0
Big Books- 0

Miss Buncle's Book
5.3 – 30 years ago.
Read a book that has consecutive words beginning with the same letter in its title, or that has an author whose first and last names begin with the same initial.
Points this post: 5
Total Points: 10/1350
Tasks Completed: 2
Books Read: 2
GR Authors: 0
Big Book Tickets: 0

Task 15.8-The Battle of Gettysburg
Read a book related to the U.S. Civil War
Red Moon at Sharpsburg by Rosemary Wells
Total Points to Date-40
Total Tasks-4
Goodreads Author-1
Big Book-0

First Post
5.1 10 yrs ago -- Crazy in Love I read Snowdrops by A.D. Miller, author’s name uses initials.
5.4 40 yrs ago -- Will it go Round in Circles? I read

5.10 100 yrs ago -- Gems of Adele I read The Ballad of Ballard and Sandrine by Peter Straub. The Tony Nominee for choreography for the musical “Matilde” is Peter Darling, first name “Peter” is the same as the author. This is my one book of 80-100 pages allowed in the 5-point section.
Points in this Post: 15
Total Points So Far: 15

Read a book of your choice.

Points this post: 15
Total points: 15
Tasks completed: 1
Books Read: 1
GR Authors: 1
Big books: 500+ (0); 750+ (0); 1000+ (0)

Read a book by an author who uses an initial as part of his or her Goodreads name.
Book: The Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle
Task #10.10: Blister in the Sun
Read a book whose title shares a word with one of the song titles from the Violent Femmes' debut album.
Word: "Good"
Song: Track #10 "Good Feeling"
Book: The Good Thief by Hannah Tinti (Goodreads author)
Today's Points: 15
Cumulative Points: 15
GR Authors: 1
Big Books: 0
Tasks Completed: 2

5.1 10 years ago:
Read a book by an author who uses an initial as part of his or her Goodreads name:
Unclean Spirits by M.L.N. Hanover
Total Points- 5
Total Tasks- 1
Goodreads Authors- 0
Big Books- 0

Read a book that was first published in a year that ends in 6 or 9.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Classic Regency Romance--Now with Ultraviolent Zombie Mayhem by Seth Grahame-Smith and Jane Austen

First published in 2009
Total Points: 10

Task10.3 The Summer of'69
I read Blood Knot and Other PlaysbyAthol Fugard First published 1989
Points this post:10
Total points:10
Books read:1
Tasks completed:1
Goodreads Authrs:0

Option 2. Something New: I read The Fault in Our Stars, which I added to my To read list between January and May 2013
Option 4: Something Blue. I read Precious Objects: A Story of Diamonds, Family, and a Way of Life, whose blue cover was approved on the help thread.

Both Alicia Oltuski and John Green are *****Goodreads Authors****
Yay! On the board!!
Points: 15
Tasks completed: 1
Books read: 2
GR Authors: 2
Pages read: 686
Task #5.10 - 100 years ago
Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
Lauren Oliver is a Goodreads Author.
Author Lauren Oliver has the same first name as Tony Award nominee Lauren Ward.
This post: 5 points
Total to date: 5 points
Tasks completed: 1
Books read: 1
Goodreads Authors: 1
Big Books: 0
Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver
Lauren Oliver is a Goodreads Author.
Author Lauren Oliver has the same first name as Tony Award nominee Lauren Ward.
This post: 5 points
Total to date: 5 points
Tasks completed: 1
Books read: 1
Goodreads Authors: 1
Big Books: 0

15.6 - As Seen On TV
Read a book that has been promoted on a television show.
The Colbert Report: Week of May 13, 2013
Inferno by Dan Brown
This post: 15 points
Total to date: 15
Tasks completed: 1
Goodreads Authors: 0

5.4 - 40 Years Ago
House of Night: Legacy by P.C. Cast

ring on cover
***P.C. Cast is a GoodReads author***
5.6 - 60 Years Ago
Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
"after" is the coordinating conjunction
***500+ page big book***
5.8 - 80 Years Ago
Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 2 by Stephenie Meyer, Young Kim
2+ authors listed
10.4 - The Sunshine State
Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary
set in California
10.10 - Blister in the Sun
Blood Promise by Richelle Mead
Promise from the song "Promise"
***Richelle Mead is a GoodReads author***
***500+ page big book***
25.8 - Big Sky Country
Vampire Academy: The Graphic Novel by Richelle Mead
option 1, set in Montana
***Richelle Mead is a GoodReads author***
Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 1 by Stephenie Meyer, Young Kim
option 6, set in Washington state
Points This Post: 60
Total Points: 60
GoodReads Authors: 3
Big Books: 500+(2), 750+(0), 1000+(0)
Tasks Completed: 6
Books Read: 7

5.3 30 Years Ago
Title has 2 Consecutive "Ws"
Weekend Warriors

Points Earned This Post: 5
Points Achieved to Date: 5/1350
Goodreads Authors:
Big Book Tickets:
500+ (0)
750+ (0)
1000+ (0)

Task# 30.5 Sandy's task: History with Dialogue
Book 1 Book with Historical fiction on its main page
Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
Book 2 A nonfiction book that relates to book 1
The Irregulars: Roald Dahl and the British Spy Ring in Wartime Washington by Jennet Conant
These books were approved in help thread for this task, message #67
Claiming Book 1 as a 500+ big book

5.1 – 10 years ago.

5.2 – 20 years ago.

5.3 – 30 years ago.

10.10 -- Blister in the Sun

The word kill from track # 8 - "to the kill"
Total Points = 25

Task 15.6 As Seen On TV
From The Daily Show I read

Points this post:15
Total points:25
Books read:2
Tasks completed:2
Goodreads Authors:0
Big Books:500+(0)750+(0)1000+(0)
15.6- As Seen on TV (Oprah’s Book Club Picks)
Night by Elie Wiesel
Total Points: 15
Tasks Completed: 1
Books Read: 1
Goodreads Authors: 0
Big Books:500+(0)750+(0)1000+(0)
Night by Elie Wiesel
Total Points: 15
Tasks Completed: 1
Books Read: 1
Goodreads Authors: 0
Big Books:500+(0)750+(0)1000+(0)

Read a book with a number in its title/subtitle.
Book: The 19th Wife (Big Book w/ 514 pages) by David Ebershoff (Goodreads author)
Today's Points: 5
Cumulative Points: 20
GR Authors: 2
Big Books: 500+(1)
Tasks Completed: 3

25.4 - Bookin' Around the Bases
Option 2 Read a book with a one word title.
Abandon by Blake Crouch
Option 6 Choose a book out of a 10 most wanted to read list randomly.
I made a list, used for a number, that number was a 1 and the first book on my list was:
A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan
Marie Brennan is a Goodreads author.
Points this post: 25
Total Points: 25
Books Read: 2
Goodreads Authors: 1
Big Books:500+(0)750+(0)1000+(0)

Because of You by Cathy Maxwell
Using the word Because for subordinate clause.
10.8 Summer Reading
2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson
From the list Summer's Best Sci-Fi: Planets, Politics,...
Today's Total: 15
Grand total: 25
This topic has been frozen by the moderator. No new comments can be posted.
Books mentioned in this topic
All Other Nights (other topics)Saving Juliet (other topics)
I Wear the Black Hat: Grappling With Villains (other topics)
The Good Lord Bird (other topics)
Juliet (other topics)
Authors mentioned in this topic
Dara Horn (other topics)Anne Fortier (other topics)
Khaled Hosseini (other topics)
Chuck Klosterman (other topics)
James McBride (other topics)
This is where you will need to post information about completed tasks - updates to the Readerboard will be based on what is posted HERE AND ONLY HERE.
Please do not delete or edit any post in this thread!! Even if the post is not reflected on the Readerboard yet, I've often logged the post on my spreadsheet already and I will not know that you've made the changes. I do not go backwards in this thread to pick up points. If you need to make a change, just make a new post.
Please refer to the posting requirements for what must be included, and for guidelines that will help us keep the challenge running smoothly.
1. You MUST post a link to books claimed for a task.
2. If you claim a book that only exists in e-book form, you MUST provide either a line reference to the approved book spreadsheet or the post number in which the book was approved.
3. If the task requires information about an author, you MUST include the author link.
4. If the task requires a cover element, you MUST include the cover when you post.
5. Remember to include all "Required" task elements.
6. If your book was approved in the Help Thread for the task, please indicate that in your post.
Please post tasks in numerical order, from smallest to largest.
Any problems with task postings will be posted in the questions/problems thread. Please post there if you have a question about your points, Goodreads authors, or Big Books.
Good luck and have fun!