Johannes's Reviews > Algorithms
Algorithms (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)

It's not a bad book, it's just that it could have been even better. It could have pushed even more on the importance of (effective) algorithms, and focused a bit more on "algorithmic thinking". Even if I liked the PageRank walkthrough, it felt like that chapter could have been used for something better.
Still, searching, sorting and deep learning was a very good read. Those chapters are more 4,5*.
I would recommend it to anyone interested in algorithms, since it's a relative short but good book.
It's not a bad book, it's just that it could have been even better. It could have pushed even more on the importance of (effective) algorithms, and focused a bit more on "algorithmic thinking". Even if I liked the PageRank walkthrough, it felt like that chapter could have been used for something better.
Still, searching, sorting and deep learning was a very good read. Those chapters are more 4,5*.
I would recommend it to anyone interested in algorithms, since it's a relative short but good book.
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