Galina's Reviews > Algorithms
Algorithms (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)

Concise and neat introduction to algorithms and their uses in real world. Will do nicely for readers with no experience in the subject (or math) at all. Written very engaging, the author draws parallels with daily life to explain more complex algorithms, which is quite helpful, as it is both helping the understanding of the subject and relieving the concentration after an abundance of technical details.
I found this book while roaming in NYC bookstore, and what draw my attention was the size of this book (usually books on algorithms are quite big). After some research, I realized MIT published a whole lot of such books on a variety of subjects: Looking forward to reading more of these!
I found this book while roaming in NYC bookstore, and what draw my attention was the size of this book (usually books on algorithms are quite big). After some research, I realized MIT published a whole lot of such books on a variety of subjects: Looking forward to reading more of these!
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