Todd's Reviews > The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
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it was amazing
bookshelves: classics

I know this book seems out of place among the fare I usually read, but hey, all I can say is that I like what I like. There is some intangible quality to this book that really strikes a chord in me. The whole idea of that sickly child being healed with love, attention, and (forgive me an LDS joke) wholesome recreational activities, just somehow speaks Truth to me. I think this book has strong application to today's problems with the rising generation. I really believe that kids these days are getting fatter, less healthy, and less disciplined. I think that a good romp on the heather and a breath of fresh air would do kids a lot of good.

On another level, I really believe that some people are only as sick as they think they are. Working in the healthcare field, it's obvious to me that some people find it quite easy to take the role of a victim. Again, this book speaks Truth concerning the value of attitude and perspective in overcoming perceived problems and finding out that they weren't as bad as you thought they were.
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Finished Reading
August 22, 2007 – Shelved
August 22, 2007 – Shelved as: classics

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Ally (new)

Ally The brand new group - Bright Young Things - is nominating books to read in January & The Secret Garden is among them. Its the perfect place to discuss your favourite books and authors from the early 20th Century, why not take a look...

Jamie Thomas That book is so bad

message 3: by Ben R. (new)

Ben R. what i about as a sneak pe

message 4: by Ben R. (new)

Ben R. i have good review on y dad

Josephine Briggs Good review. Sad about children who are spoiled, yet not. I read this book a long time ago and am going to read it now. It is a classic, beautiful written, good for children and adults.

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