Leah's Reviews > Disconnected: How to Stay Human in an Online World

Disconnected by Emma Gannon
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Disconnected provides fantastic insight to finding ways to rediscover ones self in a consistently connected society. It is a joke that we would not know what to do without the internet. Yet, the more connected we are, it is no longer a joke.

I work from home, so I'm always plugged in. I mentioned that to someone while connected to Zoom and chatting over the vpn on my college's server. I realized at that moment that it was no longer a joke. I've been so plugged in and completely tuned out the world around that Emma's book merely scratches the surface for me. Outside my family, I realized I haven't had human interaction face-to-face in nearly a year.

Taking a few prompts from Disconnected, I plan to start reconnecting with the world around me. I hope Emma writes more on this. Her view of how Twitter virtually decided everything for her is exactly how I feel about Instagram now,

Thank you to the publisher, Emma Gannon, and Netgalley for the opportunity to review this insightful e-arc.
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April 9, 2022 – Started Reading (Kindle Edition)
April 9, 2022 – Shelved (Kindle Edition)
April 9, 2022 – Shelved as: arcs (Kindle Edition)
April 9, 2022 – Shelved as: audiobook (Kindle Edition)
April 9, 2022 – Shelved as: ebook (Kindle Edition)
April 12, 2022 – Shelved
April 12, 2022 – Finished Reading (Kindle Edition)

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