Hugh Cameron's Reviews > The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide
The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide

A fascinating and chilling study into the political perversion of one of the worlds most noble professions. How roaring rhetoric, distorted doctrine and deep resentment combined to convince an institution established to save life, embark on a quest to destroy those very same lives they had sworn to protect. A chilling reminder of what happens when a warped ideology infects a health care system- picture a demonic and twisted NHS, where the object is not to save life but to destroy it. Picture a logic so skewed, that it treats a whole race of people as less than human. It is only through that lens that these atrocities could have taken place, and this book serves as a stark reminder of how low we can go. The true horror of the book’s focus is not blood and gore, but the ease of which, prejudice, left unchecked, can manifest into something much darker, birthing false ideologies on an industrial scale whose sole purpose is the destruction of human life. Essential reading.
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October 5, 2020
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