Debbie's Reviews > People Like Us

People Like Us by Dominick Dunne
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really liked it

Stinging indictment of the “old money” of NYC in the ‘80s. Along with the rise and fall of fictitious self-made billionaire Elias and his wife Ruby, there is the autobiographical story (loosely) of Gus Bailey who is on the fringe of this entitled society while battling his feelings of revenge for the murder of his daughter. But don’t expect a murder mystery, this book is all about high society and teeth and claws that inhabit the salons there, ready to tear down any upstart unfortunate enough to believe that all men are created equal.
I wish I knew more about New York society because it would be fun matching the fictional characters to the real people they are based on. Lots of characters, can sometimes be confusing but the ride is great!
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Reading Progress

July 6, 2019 – Started Reading
July 6, 2019 – Shelved
July 23, 2019 – Finished Reading

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