JAIME LOUISE's Reviews > Marque and Reprisal

Marque and Reprisal by Elizabeth Moon
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really liked it
bookshelves: audio, read-2015, space-opera

I've got to tell you, I'm really enjoying this series. It's pretty serious, all planning and conspiring and technical stuff. A boatload of death. No sexy times. Not even a love interest (unless I've completely missed something) But, I likey.

My only real complaint is Ky's cousin. Who is a selfish bitch.

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Reading Progress

April 13, 2015 – Started Reading
April 13, 2015 – Shelved
April 13, 2015 –
16.0% "Wisdom - assuming you gain any - is not enough to trade for the youthful ability to stay awake for two days running and still remember things.

27. That is the age where your body rejects you. It was like one weekend I could stay out all Sunday night and still work all day Monday. The next, I couldn't stay up past 12:30 and Monday was death.

Och, to be 25 again..."
April 15, 2015 – Shelved as: audio
April 15, 2015 – Shelved as: read-2015
April 15, 2015 – Shelved as: space-opera
April 15, 2015 – Finished Reading

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