Kristin's Reviews > Marque and Reprisal

Marque and Reprisal by Elizabeth Moon
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bookshelves: science-fiction

Second book in the Vatta series. First book was Trading in Danger.

I found the second book to be as engaging as the first, if not a little slow to start as we watch the crisis unfold and Kylara stocking up with weapons and supplies. I did notice a trend that anyone in an authority position automatically assume the worst and try to add to Kylara's problems. Once or twice, I could see, but every time?

There is something about Moon's dialog that still seems "off" to me. Again the impression of an almost formal give and take between characters, not the easy flow of two people or a group of people talking.

My main complaint with this book came toward the end (without revealing anything plot-wise) with the whole Sexual Attraction Discussion between her, the Mercenaries, and the ISC man. I think it was meant to be humorous, but it came across as patronizing and out of place. It was awkward, didn't fit with the rest of the book and, dare I say it...downright stupid?

Paraphrasing here:

Mercenary Man: "You're a young female Captain. You must be attracted to this handsome older man."

Kaylara, "No, I'm not. He's much too old for me and not my type."

ISC Man, "I don't find her attractive either."

Mercenary Man, "I don't believe you Captain. He's a rougish man, you are a nubile female, you have to be attracted to him and it's impaired your judgement."

Kaylara, "No. My judgement is just fine. I don't like his good looks and have no urge to bed him or any other male on my crew."

And so it went for several pages, several pages too many.

Overall, a worthwhile read, a bit predictable, but good for vacation or light reading. Recommended.
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Reading Progress

August 21, 2014 – Started Reading
August 21, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
August 21, 2014 – Shelved
August 21, 2014 – Shelved as: science-fiction
November 3, 2014 – Finished Reading

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