Another title from the Heirloom Bookstore collected, chosen for its readability in between customer demands. A richly illustrated coffee table book, tAnother title from the Heirloom Bookstore collected, chosen for its readability in between customer demands. A richly illustrated coffee table book, the text is well done and detailed enough to interest readers interested in not only the strategies, but also the tactics of the campaigns covered....more
We read a host of these 'The American Problem Studies' books for history courses at Maine Township High School South in Park Ridge, Illinois. All of tWe read a host of these 'The American Problem Studies' books for history courses at Maine Township High School South in Park Ridge, Illinois. All of them are topical, with a range of opinions about the topic presented by means of articles or excerpts from books--quite suitable if you're looking to start a classroom discussion.
This particular volume consists of fifteen essays circling about the Salem witch craze 0f 1692. Published in 1980, it features one unconvincing essay suggesting ergot poisoning as the culprit....more
This slight book by a prolific professor of history at The University of Richmond is in three parts, all concerned with neglected aspects of the AmeriThis slight book by a prolific professor of history at The University of Richmond is in three parts, all concerned with neglected aspects of the American Civil War. The first is a chronicle of Fanny Kemble and her family, the second a review of the little we know of persons orphaned by the war, the third a consideration of postwar memoirs written by women, Northern and Southern. All are heartfelt. All attempt to be sympathetic to women on both sides of the conflict, white and black....more
This is a brief, readable history of the telegraph ending with comparisons between it and its impact and that of the internet. Of the two, the author This is a brief, readable history of the telegraph ending with comparisons between it and its impact and that of the internet. Of the two, the author deems the telegraph as more impactful.
While frequently engaging, I found some of the chapters about the extraordinary uses, and abuses, of the telegraph to be trivial and boring. Such were those on romances and crimes so conducted....more
Regularly on the lookout for easy-to-read books compatible with managing a used bookstore and having, thanks to the store, tens of thousands of volumeRegularly on the lookout for easy-to-read books compatible with managing a used bookstore and having, thanks to the store, tens of thousands of volumes to choose from, I pulled this off the shelves after reading two biographies of Sam Giancana. Published in 2011, it opens a window on Mob activities in Chicago since Giancana' assassination.
This memoir/history was written by the son and namesake of Frank Calabrese, a noted loan shark, extortionist and murderer who recently died in custody. It tells the story of the Calabrese family, of being brought up in the Mob, and of ultimately turning against it, detailing the FBI-led investigation and subsequent trial which brought a host of criminals to justice.
For me, the most interesting, and sobering, portions were those detailing some of the corruption in the Chicago police force and in some of the local trade unions. As a long-time resident of the city, it was also interesting to read of familiar locations where people were murdered and where bodies were literally buried after mob hits.
This is not a piece of great literature. The structure is basically chronological, the chapters short, the text easy going. Such benefit as it provides, beyond some understanding of organized crime and Chicago history, is some sympathetic insight into how some persons become criminals. ...more
I've been down to the NE Yucatan, down as far as the border of Belize, several times, having walked about 100 miles of its coast and having visited maI've been down to the NE Yucatan, down as far as the border of Belize, several times, having walked about 100 miles of its coast and having visited many of the unmapped archaeological sites one will find off-road, inland, if one is willing to venture into the jungle. In preparation for these trips I've read a number of books about the Maya, from Stephens and Catherwood to Coe and others. What I haven't read much about are the other peoples of pre-conquest Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Belize, peoples such as the Toltecs, the Aztecs, and, especially, earliest of all, the Olmecs. This book attracted me as a general, introductory survey of the many cultures of Mexico and its closest, southern neighbors.
Other than being a review of the peoples of 'ancient Mexico', authors Gyles and Sayer consider the life ways of some of their surviving ancestors today, focusing on such cultures as appear to retain some of their ancestral practices and beliefs. This is done sympathetically and with many illustrations....more
Managing a used bookstore, there's often only a snatch of time now and then to read anything beyond a magazine article. This short, profusely illustraManaging a used bookstore, there's often only a snatch of time now and then to read anything beyond a magazine article. This short, profusely illustrated book worked well in the circumstance. The photographs, many new to me, are in color. The text is divided into short sections of two pages or less, topically arranged....more
Hank Kupjack was, at the time of his death three years ago, my oldest friend. In his will he left me the pick of his extensive library. Head of 'E.J. Hank Kupjack was, at the time of his death three years ago, my oldest friend. In his will he left me the pick of his extensive library. Head of 'E.J. Kupjack and Associates', primarily notable for the Thorne Rooms at Chicago's Art Institute, many of these books are historical, with an emphasis on Egyptology and Greco-Roman history, the former being of particular interest to Hank, his dream having long been to finance digs along the Nile upon sale of the 60+ miniature rooms in his possession. Sadly, this was not to be.
'The Boat Beneath the Pyramid', prepared in collaboration with Ahmed Youssef Moustafa, the restorer of the ship found some decades ago at the foot of the Great Pyramid, served me as a pleasant refresher on mainstream thinking about early dynastic Egypt. The controversies author Jenkins concentrates on are those concerning the ship. Was it ever used? What was its connection to religious ideas? Were the burials of such ships commonplace during any period and, if so, where should we look for others?
The other main foci of the book concern, first, the discovery and restoration of it and, second, its construction in reference to ship building in early Egypt. Here Jenkins gets most technical, using a lot of terms not in common parlance.
Most of Hank's books are coming, piecemeal, to Heirloom Books in Chicago. A few I shall probably keep....more
Intelligent, concise overview of European sea explorations of the Renaissance. I was particularly impressed by the first chapter. The author, an acadeIntelligent, concise overview of European sea explorations of the Renaissance. I was particularly impressed by the first chapter. The author, an academic historian who knows how to write well, sticks to well documented evidences....more
This has been my first book focused entirely on the history of Poland, the reading of which was inspired both by the great number of friends I have ofThis has been my first book focused entirely on the history of Poland, the reading of which was inspired both by the great number of friends I have of Polish ancestry and my own family history in Europe during the first half of the 20th century. As with many books treating a subject I am not very familiar with, this one was pleasantly enlightening--and very well written also.
This history of interwar Poland is substantially a biography of Josef Pilsudski, revolutionary, military leader and often, during the years up to his death in 1935, the effective head of state. Whether this emphasis on his life, opinions and activities is disputable is beyond me. I'll have to read more books on the subject.
Beyond it's service as both interwar history and biography, 'Bitter Glory' also goes into some detail as regards the causes of WWII and its consequences as regards Poland, arguably the country most damaged by the war....more
Sarah Vowell has written a number of 'history' books whereby she explores a theme (Pilgims and Puritans, Lafayette in America, presidential assassinatSarah Vowell has written a number of 'history' books whereby she explores a theme (Pilgims and Puritans, Lafayette in America, presidential assassinations) and shares, often wittily, what she discovers in her related travels and readings. This particular book circles around the deaths of presidents Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley....more
This is another exploration of the evidence as concerns the assassination of JFK as amplified by the testimony and activities of Richard Case Nagell. This is another exploration of the evidence as concerns the assassination of JFK as amplified by the testimony and activities of Richard Case Nagell. It is by no means presented as being conclusive, but it is suggestive, almost overwhelmingly so.
Nagell was in the intelligence business, first with the military, then with the CIA and, possibly, as a double agent, with the KGB. He became publicly noteworthy when he walked into an El Paso bank, shot two bullets into the wall, then allowed himself to be arrested some weeks before the events in Dallas. His subsequent imprisonment removed him from those events, about which he had some foreknowledge.
Exactly what Nagell knew is only hinted at in this 800-page book. Fearful for his life and the lives of those he cared for, Nagell played his cards close to his chest, making it clear that the full story would come out should he die under suspicious circumstances. Meanwhile, it appears that he tried to prevent the assassination by reaching out beforehand to various offices, including Hoover's FBI, none of which took his--or many other--warnings seriously.
As regards the KGB connection, author Russell interprets Nagell's mission, the one Nagell avoided by his acts in El Paso, was to assassinate Lee Harvey Oswald--and that, apparently, at the behest of the KGB (or of KGB moles in the CIA) which saw JFK as an agent of peace. --and, yes, Nagell believed Oswald was involved with the events in Dallas, although certainly not alone and quite possibly not as one of those who actually shot JFK.
I'd not recommend this book to readers unfamiliar with the assassination literature.
I'd read some of Marrs before and picked this up at a local used bookstore as a potentially entertaining bedtime read, Marrs usually handling offbeat I'd read some of Marrs before and picked this up at a local used bookstore as a potentially entertaining bedtime read, Marrs usually handling offbeat topics. Unfortunately, in this book he goes to the extremes of fringe thinking, citing as sources such notorious figures as Van Daniken, Ickes, Alex Jones and Zitchin to adduce the thesis that aliens created Sumerian culture, if not the Sumerians themselves, and that traditions, even secret movements, dating back to that time continue today, almost six thousand years later, and that, further, the planet has been ruled for thousands of years by secret cabals of ancient bloodlines from which, for instance, have come all U.S. presidents. Nested amidst all this craziness are bits about the World Bank, the I.M.F., the Federal Reserve and other instrumentalities of power and control as well as some citations of actual experts. Overall one gets the impression that Marrs has bitten off way more than he can chew, much less digest, and has little discrimination, his opinions reflecting a very, very spotty self education.
The only justification for reading a book such as this is to get some sense of the craziness out there, a craziness and lack of critical reasoning too much reflected in contemporary politics....more
Being Norwegian on both sides since at least the Napoleonic wars, I have a relationship with fish, especially cod. While cod roe is a favorite, lutefiBeing Norwegian on both sides since at least the Napoleonic wars, I have a relationship with fish, especially cod. While cod roe is a favorite, lutefisk is something I've only tried once and don't plan on trying again--it was like fishy jello. Yuck! Regular cod, served with potato, was something served at the Norwegian Club, back when there was such a thing, that Dad would occasionally attend. There, however, he would order the meatballs, fish being associated in his mind and in mother's with the depression and the war--something you ate because you couldn't obtain or afford red meat.
This book is primarily a history of the cod fisheries of the North Atlantic, beginning in the middle ages and continuing into present. As such, it's also a survey of fisheries worldwide and of their impoverishment, if not extinction, owing to overuse and environmental degradation. Secondarily, it's a celebration of a disappearing lifestyle and cuisine.
Well written, cautionary, this is a commendable book.
This sketchy book consists of short essays about odds and ends collected over the years by Davis. Some are mildly amusing, some merely lists of names This sketchy book consists of short essays about odds and ends collected over the years by Davis. Some are mildly amusing, some merely lists of names or numbers. Having profitably read one of his histories and two of his biographies previously, I had expected a bit more polish.
Davis is an historian of the Civil War from a southern perspective. This particular collection appeared originally in 1960 and is notable for how it doesn't even mention slavery as an issue. Blacks appear occasionally, sometimes with the North, sometimes with the South, sometimes free, sometimes in bondage, but with no more notice than given the ethnic backgrounds of some of the white figures.
Being facts without context, this slight volume may offers a few amusements to the Civil War buff. Lacking documentation, however, it would be of little use to the serious student.
Found this gem at Heirloom Books in Chicago. Bill Savage, formerly Chelsea Rectanus' professor in Evanston and my bartender in Chicago, known as a ChiFound this gem at Heirloom Books in Chicago. Bill Savage, formerly Chelsea Rectanus' professor in Evanston and my bartender in Chicago, known as a Chicago literary and cultural historian, has spoken at Heirloom and many other venues, shaming me for my relative ignorance of the city's history before Richard J. Daley. This book, a history of Chicago's most illustrious bordello, the Everleigh Club, its rise and fall from 1900 to 1914, seemed at first glance to be an entertaining introduction to some aspects of the area's cultural and political history in the early 20th century, during the childhood of, say, my paternal grandmother.
Indeed, it was entertaining--very well written too, a real page turner.
Conceptually, too, Abbott's book has value. What to do about the commodification of sex and love? The Everleigh sisters' club was a model whore house. Eschewing underage employment, coercion, drugs--paying very handsomely and providing adequate medical supervision, the Club had always a waiting list of prospective employees eager to make their fortunes. Abbott contrasts this with description of more typical whore houses, with the 'white slavery' which provided, on the one hand, some of their unfortunate denizens, and, on the other hand, evidence of the evils of prostitution for hosts of diverse reformers. And, of course, the issue wasn't just commodification, it was sex, particularly extra-marital sex, in general. The exposition of vice in early-20th century Chicago raises these and many other issues, issues such as gender, race and class--all of which retain relevance today....more
This is an anonymously written early (1967) contribution to JFK conspiracy literature which adduces the thesis that mind control techniques and technoThis is an anonymously written early (1967) contribution to JFK conspiracy literature which adduces the thesis that mind control techniques and technologies were used by a cabal of wealthy investors to have the president killed in order to effect changes in the stock and commodities markets to their financial benefit. It's poorly written and lacks both a bibliography and an index. Such merit as it has might pertain to the later (1968) assassination of RFK, there being some reason to believe that Sirhan Sirhan was psychologically manipulated....more
This is a competent review and reconstruction of the history of European exploration of the lands bordering or within the North Atlantic. The structurThis is a competent review and reconstruction of the history of European exploration of the lands bordering or within the North Atlantic. The structure is odd, the author beginning backwards with the Portuguese and Spanish, through the Bristol fisherman and the Norse, to end with the Irish Celts to whom he credits first landfall on Iceland, Greenland and N. America. Then, after his expository chapters, he ends with a recap of the whole history, in order this time, in his concluding chapter.
Some of the author's conclusions are debatable. That the Norse briefly settled North America is universally held, but that 'Vinland' was in New England--southern New England at that--is contestable. That the Irish had already settled Iceland before the Norse is generally accepted, but that they made it westward to both Greenland and North America is dubitable. This notwithstanding, Sauer appears atop the sources, his judgments meritorious....more
At 943 pages, and dense to boot, this was a major contribution to the debates about the JFK, RFL and MLK assassinations as well as to the attempted asAt 943 pages, and dense to boot, this was a major contribution to the debates about the JFK, RFL and MLK assassinations as well as to the attempted assassination of Fidel Castro, planned invasion of Cuba and the crimes of the Nixon administration when it came out in 2009. The threads holding these accounts together are, one, the Mafia and, two, the cast of characters, some of whom were active from the failed Bay of Pigs invasion to Iran-Contra.
Waldron and Hartmann are not afraid to point fingers, identifying those they consider to be the assassins and clearly documenting the evidence behind their contentions. But beyond that there are the accomplices, before, during and after the fact, some of whom had no part in the actual murders, all of whom had good reason to obfuscate the facts by concealing, lying, dissembling, distorting and fabricating. Here 'Legacy' is particularly good and, to my knowledge, distinctive, viz., why do these murders remain mysteries and why are the original official accounts so absurd? What, in other words, were the motives behind such prominent knowing deceivers as RFL, LBJ, Earl Warren, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Helms and his spooks?
All in all, a valuable contribution, worthy of some substantial effort on the part of the reader....more
I saw the movie first in this instance and, frankly, it was more entertaining than this account. The author, a CIA forgery and disguise expert, gives I saw the movie first in this instance and, frankly, it was more entertaining than this account. The author, a CIA forgery and disguise expert, gives his account of the rescue of the six foreign service officers from the Canadian mission to Iran in 1980. Most interesting were the glimpses he gave into the tradecraft involved. The story itself was written in the style of a fifties 'men's magazine' despite the help of professional writer, Matt Baglio.
Personally, I found the book rather offensive. The treatment of the U.S. officials at the occupied embassy, three of them admitted CIA agents, was perhaps mostly undeserved on an individual level, but they were hardly an 'innocent' mission given the decades of American interference with Iranian politics, beginning with our engineered overthrow of their legitimate government and its replacement by a repressive dictatorship. Indeed, given the history of U.S. foreign policy and the special role of the CIA as one of its illegal arms, one wonders at the ethical capacity of its employees. ...more